What jobs did the New England colonies do?

What jobs did the New England colonies do?

Colonial Work and Jobs

  • New England Colonies: Fish, timber, furs, ships and livestock.
  • Middle Colonies: Grain, flour, livestock, iron and furs.
  • Southern Colonies: Tobacco, rice, indigo (dye) furs and farm products.

What were the 13 colonies jobs?

Colonial America

  • Apothecary. The apothecaries of colonial times were similar to today’s pharmacists.
  • Blacksmith. The blacksmith was one of the most important tradesmen of any colonial settlement.
  • Cabinetmaker.
  • Chandler (candlemaker)
  • Cobbler (shoemaker)
  • Cooper.
  • Gunsmith.
  • Milliner.

What would be a job of someone living in the New England colonies?

People in New England made money through fishing, whaling, shipbuilding, trading in its port cities and providing naval supplies.

What are some jobs in the Southern colonies?

Economy. The Southern economy was almost entirely based on farming. Rice, indigo, tobacco, sugarcane, and cotton were cash crops. Crops were grown on large plantations where slaves and indentured servants worked the land.

What colony did James Oglethorpe?

the colony of Georgia
James Edward Oglethorpe, founder of the colony of Georgia, was born on December 22, 1696, in Yorkshire, England.

Was Boston a New England colony?

In 1629 King Charles I of England granted the Massachusetts Bay Company a charter to trade in and colonize the part of New England that lay approximately between the Charles and Merrimack Rivers, and settlement began in 1630. Boston was made the capital in 1632.

What was New England’s religion?

Puritan religion
The New England colonies organized society around the Puritan religion and family farming.

What was the most important job in the colonial times?

Colonial Americans were primarily farmers. Every family was expected to be self-sufficient—capable of growing crops and raising livestock for food. In addition, they spun their own thread and wool to make their clothes. They often made their own soap and candles.

Is Connecticut a New England colony?

The New England colonies were made up of the colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. The New England colonies had very harsh winters and mild summers.

What colonies was slavery legal in?

Massachusetts: 1641: Massachusetts becomes the first colony to recognize slavery as a legal institution.



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