What jobs do most INTJs have?

What jobs do most INTJs have?

Here are the careers people with INTJ personalities most enjoy working in:

  • Computer Programmer.
  • Software Engineer.
  • Market Research Analyst.
  • Computer Systems Analyst.
  • Logistician.
  • Product Manager.
  • Project Manager.
  • Computer Hardware Engineer.

What Enneagram are INTJs usually?

A significant proportion of INTJs identified 5 as their Enneagram type.

What careers should Intj avoid?

The following list includes some of the jobs that INTJs should avoid:

  • Sales Person.
  • Social Worker.
  • Hospitality Careers.
  • Receptionist.
  • Nurse.
  • Assistant.
  • Secretary.
  • Preschool Teacher.

Are INTJs high earners?

The Top Earners Which personality types earn the highest incomes of all? Extroverted thinking types dominate the ranks again. The one exception is INTJs, with 10% earning an annual salary of $150K or more in their peak earning years.

What is the best major for INTJ?

INTJ Careers & Majors

  • Actuary.
  • Biochemistry, biology, neuroscience.
  • Computer science, systems analyst, informatics, programmer.
  • Engineering: software, civil, mechanical, electrical.
  • Urban planning.
  • Chemist, mathematician, astronomer, physicist.
  • Applied science, technology, technician.
  • Environmental science, geography, geology.

How successful are INTJs?

For the INTJ, one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, one of our biggest goals is often career success. INTJs value this kind of success because it offers measurable proof of our ideas in action. And other research shows that INTJs are among the highest earning introverted personality types.

What is an INTJ 6w5 like?

Enneagram 6w5 is a very intellectual and anxiety-focused enneatype, as both the main type and the wing are in the Head centre, and thus have fear as core emotion. INTJ 6w5′s dominant Ni is channeled into this anxiety and search for security, which may lead to paranoia and nihilism in unhealthy individuals.

Can INTJ be 5w4?

Generally speaking, INTJs are more apt to have a 6 wing (i.e., 5w6) and INTPs a 4 wing (i.e., 5w4). The 5w4 is the more subjective Five subtype. Like the Enneagram type 4, 5w4s are driven to understand their own personality, routinely exploring their identity and life’s purpose.

Do INTJ make good project managers?

Project Managers Our highly logical and also creative minds work to find the best and easiest solution to problems. Being a project manager is about seeing something through the best, most efficient way and that’s what INTJs excel at – along with showing people the best way to do the job.

Do INTJs make good leaders?

INTJs are often viewed as natural leaders, since they aren’t afraid of taking control. For the INTJ being in leadership roles is often more comfortable than being someone who follows others. While INTJs might not always choose the role of leader, it is often something they are skilled at.

Which MBTI is the richest?

Anyway, here’s the data:

  • #1 Jeff Bezos(112B) – ENTJ.
  • #2 Bill Gates(90B) – ENTJ.
  • #3 Warren Buffet(84B) – ISTJ.
  • #5 Mark Zuckerberg (71B) – INTJ.
  • #10 Larry Ellison(58.5B) – ESFP.
  • #12 Larry Page(48.8B) – INTP.
  • #13 Sergey Brin(47.5B) – INTP.
  • #22 Steve Ballmer(38.4B) ESTJ.

Which personality type is the richest?

Truity research showed that, indeed, ENTJs are some of the highest earners, but there is one personality type that outearns even ENTJ — ESTJ (Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging). According to Truity, ESTJs make an average of $77K per year while ENTJs come close second with an average of $76K per year.

What are some enterprising careers for intjs?

Typical Enterprising careers include sales and marketing, business and management, law, politics, journalism, insurance, entrepreneurship, and stock trading. With respect to this domain, INTJs can make excellent troubleshooters and consultants.

What can you do with an INTJ personality?

Due to their strategic outlook and focus, they are likely to excel in science careers, statistician careers and data analytics. INTJs have the natural ability to grasp how one thing leads to another, and therefore may thrive as a psychiatrist, detective or private investigator.

What is the ideal work environment for an INTJ?

The ideal work environment for an INTJ is logical, efficient, structured, and analytical, with colleagues that are competent, intelligent, and productive. The ideal job for a Mastermind allows them to use their analytical skills to problem-solve in a challenging environment,…

Why are intjs so good at writing?

As an example, INTJs make fantastic writers. We’re able to verbalize our thoughts in logical and easy to understand ways. Plus, writers work independently. We get to write and create things all on our own and don’t really have to worry about working with others. This type of environment is where INTJs can thrive and writing offers this.


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