What kind of research is CPS 3?

What kind of research is CPS 3?

Cancer Prevention Study-3
The Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) is a large, geographically and racially/ethnically diverse US cohort of 300,000 participants who were cancer free when they enrolled from 2006 to 2013.

Is American Cancer Society a scholarly source?

Since 1948, the American Cancer Society has been publishing scholarly research and information in some of the oldest peer-reviewed journals in oncology. Spanning all oncology disciplines, the ACS journals continues to fuel new discoveries in cancer research and guide clinical practice around the world.

What is the recommendation from American Cancer Society?

Women age 45 to 54 should get mammograms every year. Women 55 and older should switch to mammograms every 2 years, or can continue yearly screening. Screening should continue as long as a woman is in good health and is expected to live 10 more years or longer.

Does American Cancer Society do research?

WE CONDUCT and publish research on cancer prevention, surveillance, health services, and disparities, including the ACS Cancer Facts & Figures reports.

Is the American Cancer Society a reputable source?

In the US, the most reliable sources of health information tend to be government agencies, hospitals, universities, and major public health and health advocacy organizations, such as the American Cancer Society. These groups use information that’s reviewed by noted experts and updated often.

Why is the American Cancer Society important?

The mission of the American Cancer Society is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. As we all know, when cancer strikes, it hits from all sides. That’s why we’re committed to attacking cancer from every angle.

Why is self breast exam not recommended?

Most medical organizations don’t recommend routine breast self-exams as a part of breast cancer screening. That’s because breast self-exams haven’t been shown to be effective in detecting cancer or improving survival for women who have breast cancer.

What percentage of breast cancer is found by self exam?

Women often detected breast cancers themselves, either by self-examination (25%) or by accident (18%). Conclusions: Despite increased use of screening mammography, a large percentage of breast cancers are detected by the patients themselves. Patient-noted breast abnormalities should be carefully evaluated.

Which cancers get the most funding?

Funding Research: Where Is The Money Going?

  • Breast cancer: $572.6 million.
  • Colorectal cancer: $273.7 million.
  • Bladder cancer: $24.1 million.
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: $122.6 million.
  • Melanoma: $110.8 million.
  • Kidney cancer: $43.4 million.
  • Leukemia: $216.4 million.
  • Uterine cancer: $17.1 million.

What services does the American cancer Society provide?

We offer programs and services to help the more than 1.4 million cancer patients diagnosed each year in this country, and the 14 million cancer survivors – as well as their family and friends. We provide information, day-to-day help, and emotional support. And best of all, our help is free.

What can the American Cancer Society do for me?

We promote healthy lifestyles to help you prevent cancer. We research cancer and its causes to find more answers and better treatments. We fight for lifesaving policy changes. We provide everything from emotional support to the latest cancer information for those who have been touched by cancer.

Is the American Cancer Society a 501 c 3 organization?

American Cancer Society/Tax deductibility code

What is ACS’s cancer prevention study-3?

In December 2013, the American Cancer Society (ACS) launched Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) when ACS completed its initial recruitment. Who we invited: Our Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Team invited men and women between the ages of 30 and 65 who had no personal history of cancer to participant in the study.

What does CPS-3 stand for?

Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) The Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3) is a large, geographically and racially/ethnically diverse US cohort of 300,000 participants who were cancer free when they enrolled from 2006 to 2013. CPS-3: Past, Present, and Future

How long will the CPS-3 study last?

How long the study will last: The CPS-3 study will last 40 years. We mailed our first follow-up survey in 2015 and will continue to send one every 3 years until the year 2043.

Did CPS-3 send out the latest survey in 2021?

We sent out our latest follow-up survey in 2021. How we keep improving: CPS-3 is committed to incorporating the latest technologies into every aspect of our research, including data collection and analysis, participant engagement, results delivery, and data security.


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