What Lane is Nocturne best in?

What Lane is Nocturne best in?

What Lane Is Nocturne? Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is commonly played in the Jungle position.

Is Nocturne a good jungle?

Unfortunately, Nocturne isn’t a great jungler for offsetting that early weakness. However, if Kassadin makes it to lvl 6, you two are a force to be reckoned with. Kassadin can engage on any enemy for guaranteed damage (usually 1/3 of the target’s HP) and you can easily finish them off with your ultimate.

Does Nocturne start red or blue?

This route starts with Nocturne on Red Buff and him unlocking the Duskbringer skill. At level two, when the Red Buff is dead, the Nocturne player unlocks Shroud of Darkness & clears the Raptors camp. After doing those, the Blue Buff side: Murk Wolves, Blue Sentinel and Gromp are next.

Is Nocturne mid viable?

It can be viable mid lane.

Is Nocturne weak early?

Strength in early game/laning – low/medium In the early game, Nocturne is a pretty linear champion in terms of what he can do: hit you with his Q, fear you, and run you down with autos.

Is Nocturne a jungle or MID?

One particular pick that’s been picking up recent game time in FPX’s drafts is Nocturne mid lane. More typically seen as a jungle pick, Nocturne is an all-in roaming assassin with an almost unparalleled ability to create space on the map.

What is this nocturne guide for?

This Nocturne guide will tell you how to play Nocturne, help you understand his mechanics, guide you to pick the right Nocturne jungle path, and show you how to make the most of his unique abilities. We hope you can become as excited about playing Nocturne as we are!

Is Nocturne a good top lane monster?

Nocturne is a top lane monster Nocturne is so strong early and after you hit level 6 make sure to keep usi

Is Nocturne hard to play League of Legends?

For League of Legends players, Nocturne (a.k.a. Noc) has always been an interesting yet often challenging champion to master. He is one of the few champions that can really carry a whole team, and against the right enemies, he can be very good at it.

How good is Nocturne in Hextech?

Hextech Nocturne 0 Never! Nocturne’s basic attack is periodically enhanced, dealing 20% of his physical damage to his target and 120% of his physical damage to surrounding enemies, while also healing himself for 15−40 (+15% of ability power) per enemy hit (depending on level).


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