What legislation covers the testing of emergency lighting?

What legislation covers the testing of emergency lighting?

Emergency lighting is required in premises to allow occupants to escape safety in an emergency situation. The requirements under BS 5266: 2016 state that a building must have adequate illumination for escape, and identify firefighting equipment.

What is emergency light testing?

To test an emergency lighting system, a mains power failure on the normal lighting circuit / circuits or individual luminaries must be simulated. This will force the emergency lighting system to operate via the battery supply. This test can be carried out manually or automatically.

Is emergency lighting testing a legal requirement?

Not only is correctly functioning emergency lighting paramount for building fire safety and the protection of staff and building users, but emergency light maintenance is a legal requirement and failure to maintain and test these systems at least on an annual basis, leaves the duty holder liable for breaching the law.

What is the purpose of emergency lighting?

The primary purpose of emergency escape lighting is to illuminate escape routes but it also illuminates other safety equipment. The size and type of your premises and the risk to the occupants will determine the complexity of the emergency escape lighting required.

Why is emergency lighting required?

Emergency lighting illuminates areas that lead occupants to the nearest fire exit. This is to ensure that all occupants of the building can safely make their way to the exit and attending emergency services can access the building safely if necessary.

What is the purpose of emergency lighting in a fire?

How does emergency lighting work?

Emergency lighting is wired to the building’s power supply for continuous charging of internal batteries to provide back up power for the lighting. This ensures that lights remain alight during a power outage allowing occupants to easily locate the exits should they need to evacuate the building.

How often do emergency lights need testing?

All emergency lighting systems should be tested monthly. This is a short functional test in accordance with BS EN 50172:2004 / BS 5266-8:2004. The duration of the test should be sufficient to ensure that the luminaire operates correctly, whilst minimising any damage to the system components, e.g. Lamps, Battery.

What are OSHA emergency lighting requirements?

OSHA Lighting Standards for Emergency Egress Lighting. To provide adequate lighting, egress lights must burn at a minimum of 10.8 lux. During testing, illumination should be measured by placing a light meter at floor level.

Are exit lights and emergency lights required to be inspected?

Fire code requires that emergency lights or lighted exit signs be inspected and tested at least once a month. A test must include thirty-seconds of continuous illumination of the lights. An annual test is also required, with the lights being operated on emergency power for the full minimum of ninety (90) minutes.

Legislation demands that emergency lights are tested and maintained so they can be expected to function effectively in an emergency. Routine tests are required to ensure the continuous illumination during a mains power outage. This helps to prevent panic, provide lighting and show a clear exit during the power cut.


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