What literary devices are used in Fish Cheeks?

What literary devices are used in Fish Cheeks?

Amy Tan’s essay ‘Fish Cheeks’ explains the difficulty of deciphering where the determinant lies between fitting in and forgetting who we are by using literary elements like diction, imagery, and simile. Amy Tan’s word choice, or diction exposes the discomfort she has during the night of the dinner.

What does the food symbolize in Fish Cheeks?

Food symbolizes identity and heritage in Fish Cheeks. The food is one of the things Amy outwardly is embarrassed of, but, more complexly, it is her heritage she feels shame toward as she attempts to assimilate into American life.

Which excerpt from Fish Cheeks uses a simile?

Which excerpt from “Fish Cheeks” uses a simile? He was not Chinese, but as white as Mary in the manger.

What is a simile in Fish Cheeks?

A simile in “Fish Cheeks” “Tofu, which looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges”

What is a metaphor in Fish Cheeks?

“Tofu, which looked like stacked wedges of rubbery white sponges”(Compares tofu to sponges to show reader how unappealing the food looked) “He was not Chinese, but as white as Mary in the manger” (Compares Robert to Mary to show how white he is, especially compared to her)

What is the thesis of Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan?

In the passage “Fish Cheeks” written by Amy Tan the author uses details and diction to reveal that an embarrassing experience in her youth changed how she felt about her family’s heritage by making her realize that her feelings of shame were based on other people’s responses more than her own feelings.

What is the tone of the story Fish Cheeks?

In the story Fish Cheeks, Amy Tan uses the tone of an embarrassed teenage girl to convey the values of being who you are and realizing that later in life you understand and value the embarrassment brought upon you by yourself and your family.

What does Amy’s mother mean when she says your only shame is to have shame paragraph 7?

What did Tan’s mother mean when she said to Amy, “Your only shame is to have shame”? Her mother is attempting to point out that Amy should not be embarrassed about her culture. Amy’s actions at dinner were embarrassing to her mother. Amy’s mother felt Amy should not attempt to be American in any way.

What is the effect of the imagery in this passage Fish Cheeks?

It entertains readers by revealing Tan’s feelings about being different and causes them to wonder if her perspective will change. Read the excerpt from “Fish Cheeks.”

What are two examples of personification in the story rules of the game?

“A light wind began blowing past my ears. It whispered secrets only I could hear.” Here, Tan personifies the wind, saying that it whispers secrets to Waverly. In this passage, this use of personification conveys the excitement and magic of Waverly’s chess victory being described.

What is the climax of Fish Cheeks?

The climax of Fish Cheeks, is when the families are having a meal and belching.

What is the synopsis of fish cheeks by Amy Tan?

Synopsis of Fish Cheeks. ‘Fish Cheeks’ by Amy Tan is about something that happened when Amy was a teenager. In the story, Amy’s mother invites the minister and his family over for Christmas Eve dinner. Amy has a crush on the minister’s son, Robert, and she is even more mortified about the idea than a typical teenager might be because…

How does the author use irony in fish cheeks?

The author of Fish Cheeks uses irony to show that you should be proud of who you are. The speaker states ” This Christmas Eve I saw that my mother has outdone herself in creating a strange menu.

What is ironic about Amy’s discomfiture at the dinner?

Her discomfiture is ironic because it turns out, several years after the dinner, that the menu comprised the crème de la crème for Amy’s foods. Initially, Jong’s “Mother told Vincent to throw the chess set away” since finds it to be dispensable.

Why does Amy’s mother claim that she made fish cheeks?

When the guests arrive, Amy is embarrassed by how her relatives eat noisily with chopsticks and reach across the table into different dishes instead of passing them, as the minister’s family would expect to do. Her mother proclaims that she made the fish cheeks because they were Amy’s favorite.


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