What mics should you use for drums?

What mics should you use for drums?

Beyond that, the SM57 has long been the go-to microphone for snare drums. For toms, Sennheiser 421 dynamics are extremely prevalent. And the Electro-Voice RE20, the AKG D12 and D112, and the Shure Beta 52A, all of which are dynamic mics, are common models for miking bass drums.

Can you use condenser mic for drums?

Overhead/Room Mics Since their purpose is to provide a balanced stereo image of the drum kit as-a-whole. The standard choice for room mics is a matched pair of condenser mics (either large or small).

Do I need overhead mics for drums?

The Importance of the Overhead Mics The overheads are the unifying element in any drum sound. Don’t think of them as cymbal mics, but more as “everything” mics. If placed correctly, the overheads will capture the entire drum kit, in phase and with the same basic frequency balance and tone.

Can you use condenser mics for drums?

Can you mic drums with 2 mics?

You can indeed get a very usable drum sound with just two mics. Even if you have the ability to record with more mics, it’s a good experiment to see if you can make just two sound good. Making music means having to work in all kinds of situations.

What mics did Glyn Johns use?

This drum kit was tracked in the foyer of a house using the traditional Glyn Johns method. Mics used were Kel HM-1s for overheads, a Kel HM-2d outside the kick, and a Shure SM-57 over the snare.

How do you set up mics for drums?

Place a stereo mic placed about 6 feet in front of the drum kit at about 6 or 7 feet high. Angle the mic down at a 45 degree angle towards the middle of the kit like the figure on the left. Any mic will work in this position if a stereo mic isn’t available.

Are ribbon mics good for drums?

Ribbon mics are great for drum overheads, capturing cymbals without the tizzy hype. An R88 deployed at a reasonable distance on drum overheads delivers a beautiful stereo image of the entire drum kit that can be combined with a kick drum mic for a highly effective, minimalist drum kit recording technique.


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