What nerve Innervates the rectus capitis?

What nerve Innervates the rectus capitis?

The suboccipital nerve innervates the following suboccipital muscles: The rectus capitis posterior minor muscle. The rectus capitis posterior major muscle (the superomedial border of the suboccipital triangle) The obliquus capitis superior (the superolateral border of the suboccipital triangle)

What Innervates rectus capitis anterior?

This muscle is innervated by the anterior rami of spinal nerves C1 and C2. The anterior rami of these nerves are connected by a communicating branch, from which the nerves to rectus capitis anterior muscle stem.

What Innervates the rectus capitis posterior minor?

Innervation. Rectus capitis posterior minor is innervated by the suboccipital nerve, also called the posterior ramus of the first (C1) spinal nerve. The suboccipital nerve reaches rectus capitis posterior minor by traveling between the cranium and the atlas.

What nerve Innervates the Platysma muscle?

The platysma was most commonly innervated by the cervical branch of the facial nerve (38.2%) or the cervical branch and mandibular branch of the facial nerve (60.5%), followed by the cervical plexus (0.6%), the cervical motor nucleus (0.6%), and the glossopharyngeal nerve (0.1%).

What is longissimus capitis?

Longissimus capitis is the part of the longest muscle of the neck, which serves to rotate the head from side to side and extend the head.

What nerve Innervates the Suboccipitals?

Cervical Spinal Nerves The dorsal ramus (suboccipital nerve) runs between the posterior arch of the atlas and the vertebral artery, providing motor innervation to the suboccipital muscles. The C2 spinal nerve branches into a dorsal and ventral ramus, posterior to the lateral atlantoaxial joint.

What is rectus capitis?

The rectus capitis posterior major (or rectus capitis posticus major, both being Latin for larger posterior straight muscle of the head) arises by a pointed tendon from the spinous process of the axis, and, becoming broader as it ascends, is inserted into the lateral part of the inferior nuchal line of the occipital …

What is rectus capitis anterior?

The Rectus capitis anterior is a short, flat muscle, situated immediately behind the upper part of the Longus capitis. It is also known as Obliquus Capitis Superior.

What is Myodural bridge?

The myodural bridge (MDB) is a small ligament connecting a pair of deep, upper-neck muscles called rectus capitus posterior minor (RCPMi) to tissue covering the spinal cord, called the dura mater.

What is Platisma?

The platysma is a broad muscle which arises from the fascia that covers the upper segments of the deltoid and pectoralis muscles. Its thin muscle fibers cross over the clavicle and proceed obliquely superiorly, laterally and medially over the neck.

What is the Sternohyoid?

The sternohyoid is a strap like infrahyoid muscle that connects the hyoid bone with the clavicle and sternum. The function of this muscle is to reestablish the breathing process by pulling the hyoid bone and larynx inferiorly after deglutition. This article will discuss the anatomy of the sternohyoid muscle.

What causes longissimus muscle pain?

Mechanical neck pain caused by joint dysfunction affects several neck and back muscles, including the longissimus capitis. Muscles often tighten up, but sometimes they become very loose. The changes in the muscles put more stress on the joints and cause the issue to worsen over time.


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