What number is Quatre Vingt Dix Sept?

What number is Quatre Vingt Dix Sept?

quatre: four. vingt: twenty. dix: ten.

What is Trois Cent mille in numbers?

3 000

2 000 deux-mille
3 000 trois-mille
10 000 dix-mille
30 000 trente-mille

Why do French say Quatre Vingt?

Originally Answered: Why is the number 80 is named “quatre-vingts” (literally 4 times 20) in French? This is the Celtic way of counting, using base 20, as opposed to the Roman way of counting in base 10. It is an element of Gaulish culture that survived the Roman conquest of Gaul.

What number is Quatre Vingt Quatre?

French Numbers: 60-69

60 soixante
61 soixante et un
62 soixante-deux
63 soixante-trois
64 soixante-quatre

What are all the numbers in French?

Numbers 1-10 in French

  • un.
  • deux.
  • trois.
  • quatre.
  • cinq.
  • six.
  • sept.
  • huit.

What number is Quatre Vingt Quinze?

quatre: four. vingt: twenty. quinze: fifteen.

What number is Quatre Vingt Trois?

2. Numbers from 0 to 100 – de zéro à cent

70 soixante-dix quatre-vingts
73 soixante-treize quatre-vingt-trois
74 soixante-quatorze quatre-vingt-quatre
75 soixante-quinze quatre-vingt-cinq
76 soixante-seize quatre-vingt-six

Why is there no word for 80 in French?

In the Middle Ages, 80 in French was called quatre-vingt (80) (four twenty) because people used twenty as the base in their calculation (twenty-ten: 30, two-twenty: 40…). By the end of the Middle Ages, languages evolved and 80 was called octante.

Where do they say Huitante?

The Belgians, Canadians and the French-speaking Swiss all have reasonable words for these numbers (septante, huitante or octante and nonante), which any French person will grudgingly understand.

What number is Quatre Vingt Douze?


90 quatre-vingt-dix
91 quatre-vingt-onze*
92 quatre-vingt-douze
93 quatre-vingt-treize

What number is Quatre Vingt Dix Neuf?

Ninety-nine translates to ‘four-twenty-ten-nine’ or quatre-vingt-dix-neuf.

What number is sept in French?

Numbers in French: 1-20

Number In French Pronunciation
6 six sees
7 sept set
8 huit wheet
9 neuf nuhf


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