What percentile is a 145 on the GRE?

What percentile is a 145 on the GRE?

On Quant, a perfect score of 170 is only the 97th GRE percentile!…GRE Score Percentiles.

Score Verbal Percentile Quant
148 39 30
147 35 27
146 31 24
145 27 20

Is 315 a bad GRE score?

For most top-50 schools, a good GRE score is in the mid-to-high 150s on both sections. Based on this data, an overall GRE score of 310 to 315 is a good GRE score for MBA applicants, while a score of 325 is excellent.

Is 75th percentile good GRE?

In very general terms, above the 75th percentile in either section is good. That’s about a 161 or higher in Quant and a 157 or higher in Verbal. To get about 160+ on each section, you can miss a little over a dozen questions in Verbal and about 8-9 in Quant (which is curved a little harder).

What percentile is 162 on GRE?

Table 2: GRE Score Percentiles for Test Takers Between 2012 and 2015.

Score Percentile for Verbal Percentile for Quantitative
164 94 87
162 90 82
159 82 73
158 80 70

What percentile is a 290 on the GRE?

Revised GRE scores v. Old GRE scores (including percentile ranks)

Revised GRE Old GRE Percentile rank
145 530-540 23
140 400-420 9
135 280-290 2

Is 323 a good score in GRE?

But what is a good GRE score? If you’ve received a 330 GRE score or higher, you can comfortably apply to just about any school, as the average GRE scores from the top 50 schools (according to the 2020 U.S. News & World Report ranking) suggest.

Is 312 a good GRE score for MS in CS?

GRE score for MS in computer science in US universities ranges from 310 to 320. The average GRE verbal and quant score required for pursuing MS in computer science ranges from 155 to 165.

Is a GRE score of 320 good?

320 GRE Score is a target of thousands of test takers that appear for GRE in the hope of getting admission to their dream institutions and target programs. It puts you in 80-90 percentile bracket (For details see GRE Score Percentiles).

Is 80th percentile good GRE?

Basically, if you’re in the 80th percentile, it means that you did better than 80% of people who took the test. In other words, congrats, you’re in the top 20% of test-takers! Your best bet is to research the programs that interest you most to find out the typical score range of admitted students.

Is 320 a good score GRE?

Typically, you’ll want to aim for GRE scores at or above your program’s averages. If your programs’ averages are around 320, this will be a good score for you as it’s likely to make you a competitive applicant.

How is 160 Quant scored in GRE?

To earn the best GRE score of 160 or higher on Quant, you need to get the harder second Quant section by answering at least 15 of the 20 questions in the first section correctly. The performance you need on the second section depends on your target Quant score and on how well you did on the first section.

How hard is it to get a 320 on the GRE?

A 320 is generally considered as a good GRE score. But the fact is, it is as difficult to go from 320 to 330, as it is to get to 320 in the first place.

What does percentile mean on the GRE test?

Current GRE Score Percentiles Your GRE score percentile tells you how your score compares to all the other GRE test-takers. The higher the GRE percentile, the better your score is compared to other test-takers. A 99th GRE percentile score, for example, means you scored better than 99% of test-takers, and you’re in the top 1%!

What are the gregre score percentiles?

GRE Score Percentiles Score Verbal Percentile Quant 170 99 97 169 99 96 168 98 94 167 98 92

What is the percentile conversion of 166 GRE scaled score?

Based GRE scaled score, GRE score percentile conversion is done. For example, 166 scaled score is equivalent to 98th GRE verbal score percentile and 93rd GRE quantitative score percentile. How likely are you to recommend collegedunia.com to a friend or a colleague?

What is the GRE Quant score percentile for Graduate School?

The GRE quant score percentile has to be at least 70th. Harvard’s Graduate School of Education demands a minimum of 50th GRE verbal score percentile whereas the GRE quant score can be a low one with 30th. Generally, grad schools require a 50th to 60th percentile or a 155 score in one section of the GRE syllabus.


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