What programming language does Cocos2d use?

What programming language does Cocos2d use?


Original author(s) Ricardo Quesada
Written in Python
Platform Cross-platform
License 3-clause BSD
Website python.cocos2d.org

How do I download Cocos2d?

To download Cocos2d-x, go to http://www.Cocos2d-x.org/download and download Version 2.2. 3 from the website….Downloading Cocos2d-x

  1. Once downloaded, you can unzip the Cocos2d-x-2.2.
  2. Make sure you are downloading the Cocos2d-x version and not the JS or HTML5 version of Cocos2d.

Is Cocos2D easy?

Cocos2d-x is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use open source 2D game engine. It’s is very similar to Apple’s Sprite Kit, but has one key advantage – Cocos2d-x is cross platform. This means with one set of code, you can make games for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Mac OS X, Windows Desktop and Linux.

What is a Coco studio?

Cocos Studio is a tool to help speed up the process of game development. It was developed by Chukong who brought us Cocos2d-x.

How do I set up Cocos2d?

Running Cocos2d-x on Windows 10

  1. Ensure you have Windows 10 installed.
  2. Download and install Microsoft Visual Studio.
  3. Install Python 2.7.x.
  4. Add c:\Python27 to the Path Environment setting.
  5. Open up command prompt and use the command:
  6. Enter the proj.

What is Cocos2d-x used for?

Cocos2d-x. Cocos2d-x is an open source game framework written in C++, with a thin platform dependent layer. It can be used to build games, apps and other cross platform GUI based interactive programs.

How to install cocos2dx templates in Xcode?

Simply typing in $COCOS2DX_HOME as part of the command will do nothing. The installation will simply proceed without any further intervention from you. Once the templates are installed, run Xcode and create a New Project. You should see a new Cocos2d-x temples section in the project template dialog.

Is it possible to use Objective-C Cocos2d on Android?

Cocos2D is an amazing and easy to use framework, but since it’s written in Objective-C you can only write games with it for iOS and the Mac. Wouldn’t it be great if you could use the same easy to use Cocos2D API, but have it run on Android as well?

What is $cocos2dx_home directory used for?

The $COCOS2DX_HOME directory contains a shell script named create-android-project.sh that you will use to generate the android project.


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