What rogue spec is best for raiding?

What rogue spec is best for raiding?

Best Rogue Leveling Spec in Shadowlands. For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Outlaw as the best Rogue leveling spec. Outlaw has Grappling Hook, an ability that allows ease of travel, and Blade Flurry for powerful AoE.

What is the best rogue spec in classic WoW?

Combat Rogues
Combat Rogues are the best spec for Rogues in the early phases of Classic WoW. They will choose between Combat Swords (19/32) or Combat Daggers (15/31/5), depending on what are the best weapons available. Many Rogues will stick with Daggers, but it largely depends on which weapons you can actually get your hands on.

What is the best talent for rogue?

Best Outlaw Rogue Talents for Shadowlands

  • Level 15: Ghostly Strike.
  • Level 25: Acrobatic Strikes.
  • Level 30: Marked for Death.
  • Level 35: Cheat Death.
  • Level 40: Prey on the Weak.
  • Level 45: Alacrity.
  • Level 50: Blade Rush.

What rogue spec is best for PvE?

PvE Rogue specs & distribution

Spec % (1+ boss) % (Level 120)
Assassination 3.9% 3%
Outlaw 3% 2.7%
Subtlety 0.1% 2.5%

What’s the best Rogue in rogue company?

Lancer. Ok, legit, Lancer may be the best Rogue in the game. Rogue Company is a swift game, and Lancer excels at movement. Her ability to roll and reload at the same time is a great feature of her kit.

Are Rogues hard to play WoW?

Rogues are hard to play and it requires something that most other classes do not need. Smarts. A while back, rogues were the least played class for a few years.

Are human rogues good?

Human is one of the best races for a rogue. It is incredibly good for both PvE and PvP.

Is Rogue good in Shadowlands?

Let us put the spotlight on the Assassination Rogue and find out how it’s doing in Shadowlands. A lot has selected Subtlety Rogue and definitely did not disappoint as they dominate in skirmishes and battlegrounds. Outlaw rogues are still relevant and are very strong contenders for mythic plus.


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