What routes did Marco Polo take?

What routes did Marco Polo take?

They sailed the Mediterranean to the Middle East, then traveled over land, all the way through Persia (modern day Iran), the Gobi Desert, Mongolia, along the Silk Road, and into China. The voyage took about three and a half years until they finally reached Kublai Khan’s palace.

Where all did Marco Polo travel?

1271: At the age of 17, Marco Polo left Venice on a journey along the Silk Road with his father and uncle. 1271-1274: The Polos traveled through Acre (modern-day Israel), Jerusalem, Persia, Armenia, Anatola, Georgia, Baghdad, Afghanistan, and Tartary en route to the Far East.

What route did Marco Polo travel to Asia?

Marco Polo (1254-1324) was a Venetian merchant believed to have journeyed across Asia at the height of the Mongol Empire. He first set out at age 17 with his father and uncle, traveling overland along what later became known as the Silk Road.

Where Did Marco Polo’s journey start?

Marco Polo was 17 or 18 when he began his journey from Venice to the farthest reaches of the Mongol empire. Living among the emperor’s dominions, with his father and uncle, as an advisor and emissary for 16 or 17 years, he returned to Venice by way of Hormuz (aboard ship) and Constantinople (overland).

What was Marco Polo’s country of origin?

Marco Polo was born around 1254 into a prosperous merchant family in the Italian city-state of Venice. His father, Niccolò, and his uncle Maffeo had left the year before on a long-term trading expedition.

What was one result of the travels of Marco Polo?

Marco Polo’s travels resulted in a bringing back of knowledge of the Asian world. If not for him, the Europeans would have never known about life in Asia and what great things were there. Columbus famously brought Marco Polo’s book, The Travels, with him on his voyages.

Why did traders use relays?

They worked in relays. Each trader would go a certain distance, exchange their goods for other goods, and hopefully return. The next would move along the road, trade, and hopefully return. … It became far easier to travel the road.

Why did the Ottoman Empire close the Silk Road?

The End of the Silk Road In 1453AD, the Ottoman Empire boycotted trade with the west. They then closed the routes. Due to Europeans being used to receiving goods from the east, merchants needed to find new trade routes, so they took to the seas instead.

What is Marco Polo’s full name?

Marco Polo was the full name of the Venetian merchant and traveler.

Where is Marco Polo buried?

Iglesia de San Lorenzo, Venice, Italy
Marco Polo/Place of burial

He died in 1324 and was buried in the church of San Lorenzo in Venice. Though he was not the first European to reach China (see Europeans in Medieval China), Marco Polo was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his experience.

What did Marco Polo do in Israel?

Marco Polo’s Travels Along the Silk Road At the request of Kublai Khan, they secured some holy oil from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and then backtracked to Acre to pick up gifts, papal documents and two friars from newly elected Pope Gregory X.


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