What should I buy for Ogre Magi?

What should I buy for Ogre Magi?

Ogre Magi doesn’t have the ability to farm or split push effectively. This is why it is very unlikely you are going to have many items unless you were lucky enough to purchase Hand of Midas. As your starting items, we recommend buying Orb of Venom, two sets of Tangoes, Enchanted Mango and an Iron Branch.

How do you use Ogre Magi?

Tips & Tactics

  1. Take advantage of Ogre’s tankiness early on.
  2. Once your lane partner is safe for a little bit, go gank other lanes.
  3. Manage your mana.
  4. You are a good chaser: your Fireblast can stun an enemy to keep them in place, while your Ignite damages and slows the target.

How do you kill ogre magi?


  1. Area damage is especially effective, as it damages the Ogre Magi itself plus nearby enemies.
  2. Another good strategy is to place Arcane Archers near the entrance, who can weaken their formidable magic resistance.
  3. Despite having a club, they remain ranged enemies, shooting bolts even if when forced in melee.

Why is ogre magi good?

He has good base attributes, and some of the best attributes gain in the game, having a very high base strength, as well as the highest strength gain of any intelligence hero by far. Coupled with his high base armor and high health regeneration, Ogre Magi is very hard to take down in the early game.

What Lane is ogre magi?

Ogre MagiMelee, Disabler, Durable, Initiator, Nuker, Support

Lane Presence GPM
Safe Lane 58.78% 315
Off Lane 30.12% 347
Mid Lane 6.03% 379

Who is the first ogre mage to exist?

Before the rise of the Horde two headed ogres were extremely rare. They were larger and more intelligent than other ogres and could even wield magic. At the the time of the First War Cho’gall was the first known ogre magi for generations, although others later surfaced.

How do you lane against Zeus?

Don’t stay too close to the creeps The only way in which you can do that is if you don’t stay close to the creep. Usually, Zeus will use this ability when the creep has low HP. So, instead of tryhing and denying it (which is good but in most cases impossible), just move a bit and don’t let him hit you.

How much mana does ogre magi cost?

Its mana cost is 30% of Ogre Magi’s current mana. Once your lane partner is safe for a little bit, go gank other lanes. Your stun and slow should make getting kills really easy.

What is the purpose of hard support ogre magi?

The purpose of hard support Ogre Magi in the game is to dominate his lane, provide a free farm for allied carry and then play as a scouter/frontliner in later stages of the game. One of the biggest strengths of Ogre Magi is his ability to speed up the farm of his cores with the help of Bloodlust.

How do you play opogre Magi?

Ogre Magi can work as a support hero in either the short or long lane, offering considerable ballast and powerful early game presence. You want to pair him (or even tri-lane) him with a dangerous early game carry or semi-carry – someone who can follow up his combo with yet more damage to secure the kill.

How do you win the lane as ogre magi?

Bloodlust can help you win the lane and then significantly speed up the farm of your cores. Multicast is a signature ability of Ogre Magi. It improves all other abilities of Ogre Magi and also works with many items, such as Hand of Midas, Scythe of Vise and Solar Crest.


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