What should I do after ProFractional laser?

What should I do after ProFractional laser?

Intense burning, redness, warmth, and a sunburned sensation are normal responses following ProFractional™ resurfacing. The discomfort and redness generally last 2-8 hours after the procedure. Cool compresses with a damp, soft cloth for 10-20 minutes at a time may help relieve the temporary discomfort.

How long does it take to heal from ProFractional laser?

After treatment, cold compresses are applied to cool the skin. Treated areas may have temporary pinpoint bleeding or minor swelling. The healing process generally takes two to seven days.

What should I avoid after laser treatment?

Post-Treatment Care

  • Avoid extended UV exposure for 7 days post-treatment.
  • If blisters occur, do not puncture.
  • Tylenol is recommended for post-treatment discomfort.
  • Over the counter medication is recommended for post treatment discomfort.
  • Avoid using seat warmers immediately after treatment.

Should I moisturize after Fraxel?

Keep your skin moisturized, especially while it is peeling. Post Laser gel or Aquaphor Healing Ointment (available OTC) can be applied several times a day. If your skin is acne prone, use a lighter moisturizer, such as Cetaphil or Cerave.

How do I reduce swelling after Profractional laser?

Use of a cold compress or ice packs will help to relieve the swelling. To avoid further swelling, you may choose to sleep in an upright position the first night after the treatment. 3) Post treatment discomfort may be relieved by oral pain relievers.

What is sciton laser resurfacing?

The Sciton laser is an exceptional laser to correct and reverse the signs of aging skin. As we age, the effects of sun damage and age cause the skin to wrinkle, develop sun spots, and lose texture and tone.

Do and don’ts after laser?

Avoid sports and strenuous exercise for two days following the treatment for laser hair removal. Walking is encouraged though. Avoid very hot baths, showers, steam baths or saunas, and don’t swim in strong chlorinated water for two or three days. Don’t use bleaching creams or perfume products for 24 to 48 hours.

What do vinegar soaks do after laser?

Ways to Speed Healing: o Re-apply frequently as needed to maintain a continuous layer on your skin • Soak the treated skin with a plain white vinegar solution 4 to 8 times each day. o You can’t soak too much. Soaking reduces redness and speeds healing! Do not pick, rub, scrub or irritate your skin while it is healing.

What is Sciton profractional?

Sciton’s ProFractional resurfaces a portion of the skin to effectively treat a wide variety of conditions, while leaving surrounding skin intact to promote rapid recovery. ProFractional is Sciton’s solution for achieving excellent resurfacing results with minimal downtime.

What is profractional skin resurfacing?

Sciton’s ProFractional resurfaces a portion of the skin to effectively treat a wide variety of conditions, while leaving surrounding skin intact to promote rapid recovery. Deep Healing Fractional Therapy Create channels in the skin up to 1,500 microns deep in a single pass

What is profractional therapy and how does it work?

ProFractional Therapy is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime, used for improving the overall appearance of your skin. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office and can be custom tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome.

What are the benefits of profractional wound treatment?

This action initiates the body’s wound healing response, while leaving the surrounding tissue intact for rapid healing. The benefits of ProFractional include increased patient comfort, shorter healing times, and tunable results that can range from subtle to dramatic.


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