What should I do my history project on?

What should I do my history project on?

World History Research Paper Topics

  • Mexican-American War.
  • Religion and Crusades.
  • Causes of Thirty Years War.
  • Use of Weapons in Ancient Civilizations.
  • Bridal Ceremonies in Ancient Rome.
  • Apartheid Impact.
  • South America Colonization.
  • Social Relationships in Medieval Europe.

Is there a project for Leaving Cert history?

HISTORY in the Leaving Certificate is a daunting essay-writing challenge. This 20pc is the History Research Project, which is due to be submitted on April 15. All History students, both Higher and Ordinary level, would be wise to focus their attention on the Research Topic over the next few weeks.

How much should you write for Leaving Cert history?

History may be one of the most demanding subjects out there with regard to timing, having to write 3 long essays, 1 short essay and answer a comprehension all in the space of 2 hours and 50 minutes and so it’s crucial that you know the exact length of time that it takes you to write out the content.

How do you write a history project?


  1. Decide what you want to know.
  2. Find out what has been done already.
  3. Envision the overall research project.
  4. Consider possible end products.
  5. Make a list of necessary equipment, people, and materials.
  6. Estimate how long your project will take.
  7. Make a sequence of tasks and list when you will need to complete them.

How do I choose a history topic?

1) Choose a general topic that interests you. You should start fairly broad, like “Civil War Battles” or “Women during the 19th Century.” Be prepared to narrow that topic down. Ultimately your paper will have a very narrow focus, but identifying an era or general topic that interests you is a good place to start.

What are historical issues?

Standard Five: Historical Issues-Analysis and Decision-Making. Identify issues and problems in the past and analyze the interests, values, perspectives, and points of view of those involved in the situation.

What is RSR history?

Research Study Report (RSR) – HISTORY MATTERS 365.

How long is contextualization history LC?

Ensure that you leave enough time for the Contextualisation Essay (1 – 1.5 A4 Pages) in the Document Question – it accounts for 40/100 marks.

How many paragraphs should a history essay have Leaving Cert?

Write between 8 – 10 paragraphs in each essay.

How many paragraphs should a history essay have?

Every History essay needs a series of paragraphs that provide a detailed explanation of the argument that appeared in your hypothesis. For most History essays, three body paragraphs are enough.

What is a research project in history?

Your purpose in writing a research paper in history is to analyze primary and secondary sources and to answer a research question. The research paper parallels the writing in professional scholarly history books and articles; the writing is thesis-driven and seeks to prove a point.

How do you write a synopsis for a history project?

A synopsis can be structured in the following manner:

  1. Title.
  2. Statement of the problem and hypothesis.
  3. Aims and objectives.
  4. Review of literature.
  5. Research methodology.
  6. References.
  7. Official requirements.

How hard is Leaving Cert history?

Leaving Cert History is a challenging course and requires essay style answers. Good English skills, the ability to do research and an interest in History are all important if you do this subject. Up to 20% of your final result will be based on your research project done before the exam. The US and the World.

What is the history research project for the Leaving Certificate?

HISTORY in the Leaving Certificate is a daunting essay-writing challenge. H owever, the examination itself is worth only 80pc of your grade — before you set pen to paper on June 15, 20pc of your History grade will have already been decided. This 20pc is the History Research Project, which is due to be submitted on April 15.

Is history (late modern) a difficult subject?

Leaving Cert History is a challenging course and requires essay style answers. Good English skills, the ability to do research and an interest in History are all important if you do this subject. Up to 20% of your final result will be based on your research project done before the exam. History (Late Modern) Course Content

When should I submit my history research project?

This 20pc is the History Research Project, which is due to be submitted on April 15. All History students, both Higher and Ordinary level, would be wise to focus their attention on the Research Topic over the next few weeks. Many students score full marks on this section.


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