What state is Aubervilliers in France?

What state is Aubervilliers in France?


Country France
Region Île-de-France
Department Seine-Saint-Denis
Arrondissement Saint-Denis

How safe is Aubervilliers?

You’ll be fine. Aubervilliers is not a very good introduction if this is your first time in France. A very deprived suburb with lots of public housing and social problems. Because it is so ethnically diverse, it can be interesting during the day but it will seem unsafe at night, especially if you are female.

Which arrondissement is St Denis?

The arrondissement of Saint-Denis (French: arrondissement de Saint-Denis) is an arrondissement (district) of France in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, Île-de-France. It has 9 communes….Arrondissement of Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis.

• Density 9,285/km2 (24,050/sq mi)
INSEE code 933

Is 14th arrondissement safe?

Safety in the 14th arrondissement I generally feel pretty safe in the 14th arrondissement as it’s a residential area that is a bit calmer. There were quite a few nights where I walked back quite late by myself and the most unnerving thing was how quiet the street was.

Where is Saint Denis in real life?

New Orleans, Louisiana
Saint Denis is based on the real-world city of New Orleans, Louisiana. They share a number of similarities, just as Lemoyne does with the real-world state of Louisiana.

Is Saint Denis a real place rdr2?

Saint Denis – New Orleans In one of Red Dead 2’s most direct parallels, Saint Denis is clearly based on New Orleans, Louisiana. The game’s statue of JD McKnight is based on New Orleans’ statue of Henry Clay. Even the Saint Denis cemetery has a basis in reality.

What is the name of the 14th arrondissement?

The 14th arrondissement of Paris (French: XIVe arrondissement [katɔʁzjɛm aʁɔ̃dismɑ̃]), officially named arrondissement de l’Observatoire (IPA: [aʁɔ̃dismɑ̃ də lɔpsɛʁvatwaʁ]; meaning “arrondissement of the Observatory”, after the Paris Observatory), is one of the 20 arrondissements of the capital city of France.


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