What STD code is 02832?

What STD code is 02832?

Bhuj Std Code Number, Gujarat

Location STD Code State
Bhuj 02832 Gujarat

How do I find my STD code?

To get the STD code, users have to select the state and the city then click the “Find STD Code” button, then the STD Code for that particular city will be displayed. Similarly inorder to know the STD codes of all cities and towns within any state, select a state and the names of its cities and towns will be displayed.

What is STD code of Maharashtra?

The STD code of Mumbai in Maharashtra is 022.

State :
City :

What is STD code in BSNL?

Other Main Services

Telecom Circle SSA/City
Karnataka Banglore (STD Code: 080)

What is STD Code of Ahmedabad?

STD & PIN Codes

Sr. No. Place STD Code
1 Ahmedabad 079
2 Dhandhuka 2713
3 Dholka 2714
4 Sanand 2717

What is STD Code of Pune?

STD & PIN Codes

Location STD Code Pincode
Tahsil Punecity 020 411001,411002
Tahsil Haveli 020 411021,411023
Tahsil Pimpri-Chinchwad 020 411044
Tahsil Maval 02114 410506

What is the code of Shimla?

Shimla Std Code Number, Himachal Pradesh

Location STD Code State
Shimla 0177 Himachal Pradesh

What is area code of Pune?

The STD code of Pune in Maharashtra is 020.

Location STD Code
Pune 020
Indapur 02111
Baramati 02112
Bhor 02113

What is STD mobile number?

Subscriber trunk dialling (STD) codes are assigned to each city, town and village. These codes can be between 2 and 8 digits long, with the largest metropolitan areas and cities having the shortest (two-digit) codes: 11 – New Delhi, Delhi. 22 – Mumbai, Maharashtra.

What is STD Code of Rajkot?

STD & PIN Codes

Sl.No. Place STD Code
1 Rajkot 0281
2 Gondal 02825
3 Jasdan 02821
4 Dhoraji 02824

Which city STD code is 0124?


STD Code City State
01233 MAWANA Uttar Pradesh
01234 BAGHPAT-II Uttar Pradesh
01237 SARDHANA Uttar Pradesh
0124 GURGAON Haryana

How many Pincodes are there in Pune?

119 – Unique pincodes are there in Pune city city/Taluk.


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