What TDRS?

What TDRS?

Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
The U.S. Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) is a network of American communications satellites (each called a tracking and data relay satellite, TDRS) and ground stations used by NASA for space communications.

How many TDRS satellites are there?

Three TDRSs
Three TDRSs are available for operational support at any given time. The operational spacecraft are located at 41°, 174° and 275° West longitude.

How does TDRS work?

TDRS satellites maintain a geosynchronous orbit where they have a wide view of Earth. From that position, the satellites pick up signals from NASA’s fleet of Earth-orbiting spacecraft, relaying their signals to the White Sands ground station.

Who operates TDRS?

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center manages the operations of the TDRS spacecraft.

What is a space relay?

Satellites in orbit cannot pass along their information to the ground stations on Earth if the satellite does not have a clear view of the ground station. Therefore, TDRS serves as a way to pass along the satellite’s information.

What are space Relays?

How is geostationary orbit achieved?

To achieve a geostationary orbit, a geosynchronous orbit is chosen with an eccentricity of zero, and an inclination of either zero, right on the equator, or else low enough that the spacecraft can use propulsive means to constrain the spacecraft’s apparent position so it hangs seemingly motionless above a point on …

What is the current TDRS satellite reception rate?

Other TDRS were launched by Atlas IIa and Atlas V rockets. The most recent generation of satellites provides ground reception rates of 6 Mbit/s in the S-band and 800 Mbit/s in the Ku- and Ka-bands.

Does antenna size affect gain and bandwidth?

(June 29, 1959) A theoretical analysis is made of the effect of antenna size on parameters such as gain, bandwidth, and efficiency. Both near-zone and far-zone directive gains are considered. It is found that the maximum gain obtainable from a broad-band antenna is approximately equal to that of the uniformly illuminated aperture.

What type of rocket is used for TDRS?

Many Tracking and Data Relay Satellites were launched in the 1980s and 1990s with the Space Shuttle and made use of the Inertial Upper Stage, a two-stage solid rocket booster developed for the shuttle. Other TDRS were launched by Atlas IIa and Atlas V rockets.

Who is the project manager for TDRSS?

, TDRSS project manager is Jeff J. Gramling, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Boeing is responsible for the construction of TDRS K. TDRSS is similar to most other space systems, whereby it is composed of three segments: the ground, space and user segments. These three segments work in conjunction to accomplish the mission.


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