What temperatures can spinach tolerate?

What temperatures can spinach tolerate?

Optimum growing temperature is 50⁰ F to 60⁰ F, but young seedlings can tolerate temperatures as low as 15⁰ F to 20⁰ F. Try to keep the soil consistently moist because spinach will bolt if the soil dries out. When spinach bolts, it sends up a strong central stem to produce seed, and it becomes bitter and inedible.

Is Bloomsdale spinach heat tolerant?

Popular Heat Tolerant Spinach Varieties Bloomsdale Longstanding – A popular open-pollinated variety of spinach to grow in summer. Performs well in the garden, as it is known for its long-standing quality – even when temperatures begin to climb in late spring and early summer.

Does spinach grow in hot weather?

Spinach really likes cooler weather to germinate and grow, though slower-growing varieties can be chosen for late-spring and summer sowing. Varieties such as ‘Corvair,’ ‘Space,’ and ‘Emperor’ are recommended for this slot.

Can spinach grow in 80 degrees?

Although spinach thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9, the seeds won’t germinate in soil above 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and the plants bolt around the same temperature.

Can I grow spinach in May?

In areas with a long, cool spring, make successive plantings every 10 days until mid-May. In warm climates, plant spinach in the shade of tall crops such as corn or beans. Spinach produces beautifully in cool fall conditions, but it’s tricky to persuade the seed to germinate in the hot conditions of late summer.

Does spinach need warmth to germinate?

Although spinach germination can proceed (very slowly) at temperatures near freezing, spinach seeds sprout best at 60-68°F (15-20°C) – yet another reason to start your first garden spinach of the year indoors. As the weather warms in spring, you can direct-sow a second planting.

Does spinach need full sun?

Spinach is a cool-weather vegetable related to beets and Swiss chard. A fast-growing plant, it yields many leaves in a short time in the mild weather of spring and fall. Although it prefers full sun, spinach will still produce a respectable harvest in partial shade.

How early can spinach be planted?

Sow spinach seed as early as six weeks before the last frost or as soon as you can work the soil. Prepare the soil the previous autumn, and you’ll be able to drop the seeds in barely thawed ground come spring. In areas with a long, cool spring, make successive plantings every 10 days until mid-May.

Can I plant spinach in January?

You can sow a variety of winter hardy greens (spinach, cress, mustard greens, arugula) throughout January. Remember, plants grow slowly in winter’s low light – even in warm greenhouses your starts may not put on much growth until the sun is stronger. until you’re ready to plant.

What is the best temperature to plant spinach?

• Temperature. Spinach grows best when temperatures range between 60°F and 65°F. Spinach is an excellent choice for fall gardens since mature plants can withstand frost; sow spinach about 8 weeks before the first expected frost.

How do you grow spinach in the winter in Arizona?

Grow spinach through the winter under a cold frame, row covers over hoops, or straw mulch. Sow seed 6 weeks before the first expected frost so that plants get up to size before frost or freezing temperatures come. Sow winter crops in raised beds to ensure quick drainage.

How long does it take for spinach to grow?

Spinach is very fast-growing and can be ready to harvest in as little as one month after it’s planted as seed. In most climates, it grows best when planted in spring and fall, since it needs relatively cool temperatures to thrive. You can start spinach indoors or direct seed it in the garden as soon as the soil is workable.

What are the best spinach varieties for winter?

Winter spinach varieties include ‘Bloomsdale Longstanding,’ and ‘Cold Resistant Savoy.’ A good fall variety is ‘Tyee’ which is mildew resistant. ‘Melody’ has smooth, dark green leaves and does not turn bitter tasting. ‘Avon’ is semi-puckered leaves and has good heat tolerance; puckered leaves are nutritious.


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