What time does elementary school start in Fairfax County?

What time does elementary school start in Fairfax County?

Click here to see a more detailed history of School Start Times in Fairfax County. Elementary schools start between 9:00-9:25 and dismiss between 3:25-3:50. (In addition to shifting the start of elementary schools by 10 minutes, the change also lengthened the elementary school day by 10 minutes.

What time does elementary school end in Fairfax County?

Regular Hours Our school day begins at 8:50 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. *Students can begin arriving to school at 8:45 am.

What time do FCPS schools start?

FCPS students have a 180-day school year in keeping with Maryland law. Generally, high schools have a 7:30 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. schedule, and most middle school students attend 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. With a few exceptions, elementary schools start at 9 a.m. and dismiss around 3:30 p.m. Check with your school for exact times.

What time does high school end in Fairfax County?

Fairfax County students start boarding buses at 5:45 AM. High schools start at 7:20 AM. Loudoun County high schools start at 9:00 a.m. and dismiss at 3:50 p.m. It is possible to have later dismissal times and competitive sports & activities.

Does Fairfax County have full day kindergarten?

Kindergarten is offered in all schools and is a full day program. This video provides an overview of the FCPS Kindergarten program.

How many schools are in Fairfax County Public schools?

198 schools
FCPS is one of the largest school divisions in the U.S. with 198 schools and centers. We serve a diverse student population of more than 178,000 students in grades prekindergarten through 12, speaking over 200 languages.

What time do students get out of school?

Typically they start at around 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. and last till about 2:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Obviously this doesn’t apply to all schools, but these are the typical school hours across the country.

What time does West Springfield High School start?

Tuesday and Thursday Schedule

Period Begins Ends
1st Period 8:10 9:30
3rd Period 9:45 11:05
Lunch 11:15 11:50
5th Period 12:00 1:20

What time does Oakton High School start?

Schedules 2021 – 22

Burgundy Gold
1st Period 8:10 – 9:40 2nd Period
3rd Period 9:47 – 11:16 4th Period
5th Period (Lunch) 11:23 – 1:20 6th Period (Lunch)
7th Period 1:27 – 2:55 8th Period

Does kindergarten have nap time in Virginia?

Will there be any nap or quiet time in kindergarten? Anne-Marie Twohie : Kindergarten provides a quiet time in the afternoon for children who may need a rest. However, you may want to begin easing your child into a shorter rest time over the summer. Kindergarteners are often tired at the end of their school day.

Is there naptime in kindergarten?

Many preschools and daycares still institute a “quiet rest time” for three and four-year-olds, but the once-ubiquitous kindergarten nap has fallen by the wayside in many classrooms.


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