What type of bias is the healthy worker effect?

What type of bias is the healthy worker effect?

“Healthy worker” effect (HWE) is a special type of selection bias, typically seen in observational studies of occupational exposures with improper choice of comparison group (usually general population). This phenomenon has been documented in several studies and methods have been developed to tackle this issue.

Is there a possible healthy worker effect?

We found marked potential for the healthy worker effect for overall cancer incidence in male workers (standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 0.91, 95% confidence interval: 0.89, 0.93) but not in female workers (SIR = 0.99, 95% confidence interval: 0.95, 1.03). healthy worker effect.

Do nurses have a higher rate of cancer?

Nurses who worked frequent night shifts had a 58% higher risk of breast cancer, 35% higher risk for gastrointestinal cancer and 28% higher risk for lung cancer, compared to those who didn’t work the night shift, researchers found.

Can you get cancer working in a hospital?

The major occupation of cases was among the nurses (28.6%). Approximately 65.7% of cases (23 out of 35) were identified as working in clinical service areas. The year of diagnosis of these cases was spread over the study period. However, these cases occurred more frequently over the past decade than previously.

What is healthy cohort effect?

Cohort effects (sometimes referred to as “generation effects” [Last, 2001]) are generally conceptualized as variation in the risk of a health outcome according to the year of birth, often coinciding with shifts in the population exposure to risk factors over time.

What is non differential misclassification?

Non-differential misclassification occurs if there is equal misclassification of exposure between subjects that have or do not have the health outcome or if there is equal misclassification of the health outcome between exposed and unexposed subjects.

What is differential misclassification?

Differential misclassification. Differential misclassification occurs when misclassification of exposure is not equal between subjects that have or do not have the health outcome, or when misclassification of the health outcome is not equal between exposed and unexposed subjects.

Are chemo nurses at risk?

Studies have found that nurses who reported handling hazardous drugs had twice the risk of reproductive problems. Other studies report incidences of rare cancers and various respiratory and skin conditions resulting from exposure.

Can I work while getting chemo?

Some people are able to keep working while they’re getting cancer treatment. Some people work their usual full-time schedules. Some work the same schedules under special conditions (accommodations), like being closer to the office bathroom so it’s easier to deal with side effects.

What jobs are in the cancer field?

Common careers in oncology

  • Medical oncologist.
  • Surgical oncologist.
  • Radiation oncologist.
  • Gynecologic oncologist.
  • Pediatric oncologist.
  • Hematologist-oncologist.

What is the difference between age period and cohort effect?

An aging effect is a change in variable values which occurs among all cohorts independently of time period, as each cohort grows older. A cohort effect is a change which characterizes populations born at a particular point in time, but which is independent of the process of aging.


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