What type of cheese is Montasio?

What type of cheese is Montasio?

cow’s milk cheese
Montasio Mitica® DOP or simply Montasio is a creamy, unpasteurised cow’s milk cheese originating from the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto provinces of Italy. It was originally a monastery cheese but today it is produced only in a specific region of Italy following age-old traditional methods.

What is Montasio cheese good for?

When aged, the cheese becomes quite brittle and granular in texture with a stronger fruity flavor. This cheese is a good snacking cheese or when aged becomes a good grating cheese for pasta and other foods. This cheese is very similar to Piave cheese, another Italian cheese made from two milkings of cow’s milk.

How do you eat Montasio cheese?

But the classic way to eat Montasio in Friuli is frico, cheese in a pan. It is made in two versions: the crunchy one (frico croccante), where the cheese is fried in its own serum and nothing else; and soft frico (frico morbido), enriched with potatoes, and sometimes onions, bacon or herbs.

Is Montasio a hard cheese?

Montasio Pdo is a cooked curd, semi-hard mature cheese, with regular small eyes overall, this is well known, and nonetheless, some peculiarities of this Italian food excellence remain mostly untold.

Is Montasio cheese pasteurized?

What it is • Montasio is a pasteurized cow’s milk cheese from Latteria Perenzin near Treviso in Italy. The cheese is a DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta) — government protected — cheese that can only be produced in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and some parts of Veneto.

Is Montasio cheese vegetarian?

This Venetian cheese has a delicate flavour with sweet notes reminding of those hints of grass found in cow milk, with which this cheese is produced. That’s why it is exceptional both as a table cheese and to accompany vegetarian dishes….Nutrition Facts.

SALT 1.9g

Is montasio a soft cheese?

Montasio PDO is a hard cooked cheese, typical of the North East of Italy. It’s produced in the fresh, semi-mature and mature varieties.

What is Zarai cheese?

Zarai is a spice rubbed young cheese. Developed exclusively by team Darima it has local spices and oil in the rub. It has a distinct walnut flavor with a touch of spice. It is uniquely Indian as the spices used in its creation are locally sourced.

Does montasio melt?

Its prosciutto is superb, and its wines. But its cheese, Montasio, is nonpareil — nutty, rich and, with 40 percent fat, ideal for melting. A taste for Montasio spread down through the valleys to the plains of Friuli and the Veneto to the west.

Where is montasio made?

It was originally produced in the 13th century by Benedictine monks at their monastery in the Giulia Alps. Today, Montasio is widely produced throughout the Friuli region in the northeast corner of Italy.

What does Frico mean in Italian?

Frico (in original Friulian language fricò) is a traditional dish of Friuli, a region in north-east Italy, consisting mainly of heated cheese and, optionally, other ingredients, such as potatoes. Originally frico was prepared in the impoverished region as a way of recycling cheese rinds.

Who owns Frico Cheese?

Royal FrieslandCampina
The story behind the cheeses The farmers are the owners of the company, now called Royal FrieslandCampina, they are the suppliers of fresh milk, and the beating heart of everything that we do.


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