What type of fault are the San Andreas and Hayward Fault?

What type of fault are the San Andreas and Hayward Fault?

right-lateral strike-slip faults
All three faults are right-lateral strike-slip faults. The Hayward Fault is shorter than the San Andreas, running about 70 kilometers from Fremont to Point Pinole, and is therefore not expected to produce the magnitude-8-plus quakes we know the San Andreas can generate.

What cities are affected by the San Andreas Fault?

The fault line runs deep under some of California’s most populated areas, such as Daly City, Desert Hot Springs, Frazier Park, Palmdale, Point Reyes, San Bernardino, Wrightwood, Gorman, and Bodega Bay.

Is Hayward prone to earthquakes?

The Hayward fault activity is capable of generating destructive earthquakes. This fault, called a “tectonic time bomb,” is about 74 miles long. History shows that five large earthquakes on the Hayward fault have occurred on average every 150 years—last being in 1868.

Where is the biggest fault line in the US?

The New Madrid Fault extends approximately 120 miles southward from the area of Charleston, Missouri, and Cairo, Illinois, through Mew Madrid and Caruthersville, following Interstate 55 to Blytheville, then to Marked Tree Arkansas.

What states will be affected by the San Andreas Fault?

The San Andreas Fault is the sliding boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate. It slices California in two from Cape Mendocino to the Mexican border. San Diego, Los Angeles and Big Sur are on the Pacific Plate. San Francisco, Sacramento and the Sierra Nevada are on the North American Plate.

What type of fault is the Hayward Fault?

The Hayward Fault splinters from the Calaveras Fault, an offshoot of the San Andreas Fault, near Hollister. All three faults are right-lateral strike-slip faults. This is a type of shearing force where the right block moves toward you and the left block moves away.

What are the San Jose area faults?

San Jose Area Faults. The San Jose Area is criss-crossed by a series of major faults that together relieve the motion and grinding between the huge Pacific and North American plates. The San Andreas Fault and other Bay Area fault zones are on both sides of the bay: San Jose fault, Berrocal fault zone, Hayward fault zone, Chabot fault,…

How many fault lines are there in the Bay Area?

Bay Area Faults. The San Andreas Fault and 6 other significant fault zones are present in the Bay Area: the Calaveras, Concord-Green Valley, Greenville, Hayward, Rodgers Creek, and San Gregorio Faults. The faults shown here are represented by simple lines which do not convey how complicated they can be.

What is the Hayward earthquake scenario?

On April 18, 2018, the USGS presented to the public the Hayward Earthquake Scenario (HayWired), a hypothetical earthquake scenario which imagines a M7.0 earthquake centered in Oakland, California, rupturing the Hayward fault along its length for about 52 miles.


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