What type of reproduction is epitoky?

What type of reproduction is epitoky?

Epitoky is a form of reproduction observed in polychaete marine worms. The worms undergo a partial or complete transformation into an epitoke, a pelagic morph capable of sexual reproduction.

What is epitoky nereis?

The nereidid Nereis (Neanthes) virens undergoes drastic behavioural, morphological and physiological changes during its sexual maturation (epitoky). This metamorphosis prepares benthic worms for a brief pelagic existence devoted to mating although in N. After spawning, individuals of both sexes die.

What is epitoke and Atoke?

Epitoky occurs only in the polychaete annelids, where it is unexpectedly diverse. It generally involves division of the worm into two, of which the end with the head is called an atoke and the tail end (containing the gonads) is called an epitoke.

What is special about polychaetes?

Polychaetes, which include rag worms, lugworms, bloodworms, sea mice, and others, are marine worms notable for well-defined segmentation of the body. Unique among annelids, most polychaete body segments bear a pair of parapodia (flat, lobelike outgrowths) with setae, or tiny bristles.

What happens during Epitoky in Polychaetes?

Epitoky is a process that occurs in many species of polychaete marine worms wherein a sexually immature worm (the atoke) is modified or transformed into a sexually mature worm (the epitoke). The primary benefit to epitoky is increased chances of finding other members of the same species for reproduction.

How do Polychaetes breathe?

The smallest species, and those adapted to burrowing, lack gills, breathing only through their body surfaces. Most other species have external gills, often associated with the parapodia. A simple but well-developed circulatory system is usually present.

What is Atoke?

Definition of atoke : the anterior sexless part of certain polychaete worms from which grows the sexual portion — compare epitoke.

What are 2 of the more popular worms to come from the polychaetes class?

Common representatives include the lugworm (Arenicola marina) and the sandworm or clam worm Alitta.

What are the ecological roles of polychaetes?

Polychaetes are extremely abundant in some areas. They play essential ecological roles, serving on one hand as predators on small invertebrates, and on the other as food for fish and large invertebrates.

What is Epitoky and swarming?

Male and female epitokes are produced and swim to the water’s surface only at certain times of the year and are often synchronized with moon cycles in a behavior called swarming. Swarming brings individuals of the same species together so that there is an increased rate of fertilization.

Are polychaete worms decomposers?

The decomposers are the polychaete worm and the queen conch.

What’s the function of the Acicula in polychaetes?

Acicula (singular: aciculum) are strong, stout internal chaetae that provide support to parapodia in polychaete annelids.

What is epitoky in Worms?

Epitoky is a process that occurs in many species of polychaete marine worms wherein a sexually immature worm (the atoke) is modified or transformed into a sexually mature worm (the epitoke ). Epitokes are pelagic morphs capable of sexual reproduction.

What is epitoky in polychaete?

Syllid polychaete budding epitokes for the purpose of sexual reproduction. Epitoky is a process that occurs in many species of polychaete marine worms wherein a sexually immature worm (the atoke) is modified or transformed into a sexually mature worm (the epitoke ). Epitokes are pelagic morphs capable of sexual reproduction.

What type of worm is Alitta succinea in epitoky stage?

Alitta succinea (common clam worm) in epitoky stage. Epitoky is a process that occurs in many species of polychaete marine worms wherein a sexually immature worm (the atoke) is modified or transformed into a sexually mature worm (the epitoke).

Which polychaete budding epitokes are used for sexual reproduction?

Syllid polychaete budding epitokes for the purpose of sexual reproduction. Epitoky is a process that occurs in many species of polychaete marine worms wherein a sexually immature worm (the atoke) is modified or transformed into a sexually mature worm (the epitoke). Epitokes are pelagic morphs capable of sexual reproduction.


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