What was the price of an ounce of gold in 1989?

What was the price of an ounce of gold in 1989?

Over 200 years of historical annual Gold Prices

Year Close % change
1992 $333.00 -5.71%
1991 $353.15 -8.56%
1990 $386.20 -3.69%
1989 $401.00 -2.23%

What year was gold the cheapest?

According to the chart, US dollar gold prices and values were cheapest in the year 2000 and most expensive in late January 1980.

What was the price of an ounce of gold in 1985?

Gold Prices – 100 Year Historical Chart

Gold Prices – Historical Annual Data
Year Average Closing Price Annual % Change
1985 $317.42 5.83%
1984 $360.65 -19.00%
1983 $423.71 -14.84%

What is the current price of 1 oz of gold?

Gold Price per Ounce USD

Current Price $1,807.52
Week High $1,820.56
Week Low $1,786.41
Week Change $+17.75 (0.99%)

Does price of gold ever go down?

Gold’s value rises and falls just like any other investment. While gold will almost certainly never gain nor lose relative value as quickly as penny stocks and dot-com initial public offerings, gold’s price movements can still convey information.

What is the history of gold price?

The United States used the British gold standard until 1791 when it set the price of gold at $19.49. In 1834, it raised it to $20.69. The Gold Standard Act of 1900 lowered it slightly to $20.67. It also established gold, instead of silver, as the only metal that backed paper currency.

How much is gold worth?

A rough calculation can be executed using a simple live gold spot feed and a simple calculator, smartphone, or search engine. 32,150.7 oz X live Gold Spot price = A whole lot of continually debasing fiat currency. At the moment of writing this blog post: A ton of gold is worth just over $46.5 million fiat US dollars, in July 2019.


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