What was the significance of the 17th parallel in Vietnam?

What was the significance of the 17th parallel in Vietnam?

Although the accords stipulated that the line “should not in any way be interpreted as constituting a political or territorial boundary,” the rest of the agreement was not carried out, and the 17th parallel became the practical political boundary between North and South Vietnam.

What divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel?

the Geneva Accords
The conference issued the Geneva Accords, which divided Vietnam officially into North Vietnam and South Vietnam along the 17th parallel as a temporary measure and promised free Vietnam-wide elections for 1956 (although these elections never occurred).

Who was the top US negotiator in Vietnam?

Chapter 30: The Vietnam War

Henry Kissinger He served as the top U.S. negotiator in Vietnam.
Tonkin Gulf Resolution Angry with Nixon’s secret orders to bomb and invade Cambodia, Congress repealed this.
silent majority In an attempt to win support for his war policies, Nixon made a special appeal to this group.

Why did President Johnson send troops to Vietnam?

Acting on the belief that Hanoi would eventually weaken when faced with stepped up bombing raids, Johnson and his advisers ordered the U.S. military to launch Operation Rolling Thunder, a bombing campaign against the North.

Who was in the Viet Cong?

Viet Cong (VC), in full Viet Nam Cong San, English Vietnamese Communists, the guerrilla force that, with the support of the North Vietnamese Army, fought against South Vietnam (late 1950s–1975) and the United States (early 1960s–1973).

What was the name of the leaf killing toxic chemical which devastated the landscape of Vietnam that was used by the US military?


Agent Orange the US military used planes to spray this leaf-killing toxic chemical that devastated the landscape of Vietnam
Robert McNamara as secretary of defense in the Johnson administration, he helped to craft and guide the US policy in Vietnam

Could the Vietnam War have been avoided?

Share All sharing options for: Vietnam War could have been avoided, McNamara says. Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, a key architect of the Vietnam War, said Monday that the conflict could have been halted more than a decade before it ended or avoided altogether.



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