What were the outcomes of Rio+20?

What were the outcomes of Rio+20?

Outcomes. Two highlights of Rio+20 were an agreement to develop a set of global sustainable development goals (SDGs) and to establish a high-level political forum on sustainable development.

What are the main results of the Rio Summit?

The ‘Earth Summit’ had many great achievements: the Rio Declaration and its 27 universal principles, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Convention on Biological Diversity; and the Declaration on the principles of forest management .

What was the outcome of Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit 1992?

Earth Summit 1992 produced the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Statement of Forest Principles, and Agenda 21. The Earth Summit also led to the establishment of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

What was the outcome of 1987 World Summit on sustainable development?

The major outcomes of WSSD included a negotiated Plan of Implementation, a Political Declaration and a number of implementation partnerships and initiatives [1]. New targets and agreements were negotiated in a number of important areas, for example in sanitation.

What is the meaning of Rio 20?

What is Rio+20? Rio+20 – the short name for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012 – was an historic opportunity to define pathways to a safer, more equitable, cleaner, greener and more prosperous world for all.

What are the recommendations of the Rio conference called?

The summit set the oceans as the target for environmental protection in the 1990s. Agenda 21 commits nations to long-term cooperative research to improve the quality of the information on the oceans and thus improve their effective management.

What are the two major conferences after the United Nations Conference in Rio?

Major Conferences and Summits

  • Third International Conference on Financing for Development.
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Summit.
  • General Assembly High-Level Meeting on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS+10)

What is Rio 20 Earth Summit?

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), also known as Rio 2012, Rio+20 (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈʁi. u ˈmajʒ ˈvĩtʃi]), or Earth Summit 2012 was the third international conference on sustainable development aimed at reconciling the economic and environmental goals of the global community.

What are the features of Rio de Janeiro Summit?

(i)To achieve global sustainable development in the 21st century. (ii)To conserve biological diversity. (iii)To eliminate diseases with the help of shared welfares, requirements and obligations amongst various nations. (iv)To prevent poverty and environmental damage.


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