What word can replace tremendous?

What word can replace tremendous?

What is another word for tremendous?

huge enormous
immense colossal
vast gigantic
mammoth monstrous
prodigious titanic

What is the synonym of strive?

Some common synonyms of strive are attempt, endeavor, essay, and try.

Is tremendous means incredible?

Tremendous means extraordinarily large in size, extent, amount, power, or degree. It can also mean really marvelous and fantastic — or really awful and terrible. We often use tremendous if something is super wonderful.

What kind of adjective is tremendous?

extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: a tremendous ocean liner; tremendous talent. extraordinary in excellence: a tremendous movie. dreadful or awful, as in character or effect; exciting fear; frightening; terrifying.

What’s a word for pushing through?

What is another word for push through?

expedite advance
forward press
promote rush
accelerate facilitate
hasten hurry

What is the synonym persistence?

Some common synonyms of persist are abide, continue, endure, and last. While all these words mean “to exist over a period of time or indefinitely,” persist suggests outlasting the normal or appointed time and often connotes obstinacy or doggedness.

What is another word for tremendous?

See more synonyms for tremendous on Thesaurus.com. adjective. extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: a tremendous ocean liner; tremendous talent.

What is the difference between stupendous and tremendous?

Although the words stupendous and tremendous have much in common, stupendous implies a power to stun or astound, usually because of size, numbers, complexity, or greatness beyond description. Get Word of the Day daily email! Which of the following animals has a dog in its etymology?

What is the meaning of treasuresdous?

tre·​men·​dous | \ri-ˈmen-dəs \\. 1a : notable by reason of extreme size, power, greatness, or excellence tremendous problems a writer of tremendous talent —often used as a generalized term of approval had a tremendous time.

What is the difference between prodigious and tremendous?

The synonyms prodigious and tremendous are sometimes interchangeable, but prodigious suggests a marvelousness exceeding belief, usually in something felt as going far beyond a previous maximum (as of goodness, greatness, intensity, or size). When is stupendous a more appropriate choice than tremendous?


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