What would be an advantage of pest resistant crops?

What would be an advantage of pest resistant crops?

Seed companies and scientists claim that herbicide-tol- erant and insect-resistant crops offer more effective options for controlling pests, reduce chemical pesticide use with consequent savings in pesticide costs, and increase crop yields.

What would be an advantage of genetically modified disease resistant crops?

Tastier food. Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources (such as water and fertilizer) Less use of pesticides. Increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life.

What are the disadvantages of pest resistant crops?

Resistance of pests to toxins Scientists fear that excessive production of genetically modified foods with toxin-producing properties will be rendered ineffective over time. This is because the pests that these toxins used to deter might eventually develop resistance towards them.

Why is it important to control diseases in plants?

Many plant diseases cause less dramatic losses annually throughout the world but collectively constitute sizable losses to farmers and can reduce the aesthetic values of landscape plants and home gardens. The goal of plant disease management is to reduce the economic and aesthetic damage caused by plant diseases.

How do GMOS benefit farmers?

GMO crops that are tolerant to herbicides help farmers control weeds without damaging the crops. When farmers use these herbicide-tolerant crops they do not need to till the soil, which they normally do to get rid of weeds. This no-till planting helps to maintain soil health and lower fuel and labor use.

How do GMOS crops affect small farmers?

GMO agriculture has led to superweeds and superpests that are extraordinarily difficult for farmers to manage. Farmers affected by resistant pests must revert to older and more toxic chemicals, more labor or more intensive tillage, which overshadow the promised benefits of GMO technology.

What are the pros and cons of transgenics?

The main advantages of transgenic plants include larger yield, resistance to diseases and pests and capable of growing under stressful conditions, while their main disadvantages include allergic reactions, emergence of super-pests and loss of biodiversity.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of GMOs?

The pros of GMO crops are that they may contain more nutrients, are grown with fewer pesticides, and are usually cheaper than their non-GMO counterparts. The cons of GMO foods are that they may cause allergic reactions because of their altered DNA and they may increase antibiotic resistance.

What are the effects of diseases on crop production?

As agriculture struggles to support the rapidly growing global population, plant disease reduces the production and quality of food, fibre and biofuel crops. Losses may be catastrophic or chronic, but on average account for 42% of the production of the six most important food crops.

What is the importance of plant pathology in agriculture?

Plant pathologists work around the world and in international collaborative arrangements that benefit agricultural production, livelihoods, food security, and nutrition. Their work enhances the stability and productivity of production systems and the quality of their products.

What are some cultural practices that reduce plant disease losses?

Certain cultural practices are invaluable in reducing plant disease losses. A control program is enhanced whenever one can utilize as many methods of control as possible. New strains of an organism may develop that will attack resistant varieties or become tolerant to certain pesticides when these practices are used alone.

What are the best gardening techniques for planting disease-resistant crop varieties?

In addition to planting disease-resistant crop varieties, a number of gardening techniques can be implemented to offer additional aid to your plants. Grafting is a strategy used to create disease resistance in tomatoes and other vegetables.

What are the advantages of combining farming practices to prevent disease?

Combining practices reduces the risk of failure. Rotation with unrelated crops is probably the most utilized cultural practice for disease control. This helps keep populations of pathogens from building up to damaging numbers.

How can we prevent disease from spreading in crops?

Time of seeding has an important bearing on disease prevention in many cases. Delayed planting of wheat will help escape the chances of wheat streak mosaic virus. Early spring planting of cotton may effectively help escape cotton root rot.


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