What would happen if electric field lines are parallel to equipotential lines?

What would happen if electric field lines are parallel to equipotential lines?

The potential difference between two points on the equipotential surface is zero. This shows that dV= – E. dl=0 when line element dl is taken on ( parallel to ) equipotential surface. Therefore, E and hence field lines are perpendicular to local surface every where on the equipotential surface.

Can equipotential lines be parallel?

Since all of these equipotential lines are (over short distances) parallel, the shortest distance from one point on one will be perpendicular to that line to the next equipotential lineā€¦or, a straight line itself. Hence, lines of force are always perpendicular to the lines of equal potential.

Why are equipotential lines parallel to the surface of a conductor?

So the reason why equipotential lines are parallel to the surface is because since there are eletric fields touching the surface, then the equipotential lines will be parallel to those electric fields and parallel to the conductor surface.

What are flow lines and equipotential lines?

Flow lines represent the path of flow along which the water will seep through the soil. Equipotential lines are formed by connecting the points of equal total head.

Why the electric field lines are perpendicular to the equipotential lines?

An equipotential surface is circular in the two-dimensional. Since the electric field lines are directed radially away from the charge, hence they are opposite to the equipotential lines. Therefore, the electric field is perpendicular to the equipotential surface.

Do any equipotentials cross one another?

Equipotential lines at different potentials can never cross either. This is because they are, by definition, a line of constant potential. The equipotential at a given point in space can only have a single value.

Why are the measured equipotentials lines instead of surfaces for this laboratory?

The measured equipotentials are lines instead of surfaces for this laboratory because the paper used forms a plane which represents a slice through a three dimensional surface and that forms lines. An infinite number of equipotentials exist depending upon how precisely the potential is measured.

What are equipotential lines and why are they important?

Between the plates, the equipotentials are evenly spaced and parallel. The same field could be maintained by placing conducting plates at the equipotential lines at the potentials shown. An important application of electric fields and equipotential lines involves the heart. The heart relies on electrical signals to maintain its rhythm.

What is the difference between laminar and turbulent streamlines?

Streamlines are smooth and continuous when flow is laminar, but break up and mix when flow is turbulent. Turbulence has two main causes. First, any obstruction or sharp corner, such as in a faucet, creates turbulence by imparting velocities perpendicular to the flow.

How do you draw equipotential and electric field lines?

The electric field lines and equipotential lines for two equal but opposite charges. The equipotential lines can be drawn by making them perpendicular to the electric field lines, if those are known. Note that the potential is greatest (most positive) near the positive charge and least (most negative) near the negative charge.

What is the electric field between two metal plates?

The electric field and equipotential lines between two metal plates. One of the most important cases is that of the familiar parallel conducting plates shown in Figure 4. Between the plates, the equipotentials are evenly spaced and parallel.


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