Whats 234 rounded to the nearest 100?

Whats 234 rounded to the nearest 100?

So to the nearest hundred, 234 is rounded to 200 .

Whats 350 rounded to the nearest 100?

350 rounded to the nearest 100 is rounded up to 400.

Which is 237 rounded to the nearest 10?

237 rounded to the nearest 10 is 240 not 230.

What is 246 to the nearest 100?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, you make it into the hundred that is closest. Take the number 246, for example, which is between 200 and 300. It is closer to 200. So 246 rounded to the nearest hundred is 200.

What is 739 rounded to the nearest hundred?

739 rounded to the nearest hundred is 700. When you round to the nearest hundred, your answer is always going to be an even hundred.

What value is 738 rounded to the nearest 100?

738 is between 700 and 800 and rounded to the nearest 100 is 700 .

What is 536 to the nearest hundred?

between 500 and 600
Round 536 to the nearest hundred. 536 is between 500 and 600. Look at the 30 in the tens place. It is below 50, so round down to 500.

How do you round numbers to the nearest ten?

To round to the nearest tenth, write down the number with a decimal point, and find the tenths place directly to the right of the decimal. Then, to the right of the tenths place, look at the number in the hundredths place.

When do you round to the nearest tenth?

Answer and Explanation: To round to the nearest tenth, locate the first number to the right of the decimal point; this is the tenths place. If it is 5 or greater, then the number in the tenths place increases by one number. If the number after the tenths place is less than 5, then the number in the tenths place stays the same.

What is 105 rounded to the nearest ten?

Remember, we did not necessarily round up or down, but to the ten that is nearest to 105. First, 105 rounded to the nearest ten is: 110 When rounding to the nearest ten, like we did with 105 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest ten if the last digit in the number is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. B) We round the number down to the nearest ten if the last digit in the number is 1, 2, 3, or 4.

What does it mean to round to the nearest 10?

Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 means finding which 10 they are nearest to. For example, 68 rounded to the nearest 10 is 70. Note: You can use this rounding calculator at the foot of this page to round a number to the nearest 10. How do you round to the nearest dollar?


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