When a doctor says Touch and go?

When a doctor says Touch and go?

The definition of touch and go refers to an uncertain situation where an outcome is not clear and could change any minute. An example of touch and go is when a person is in the hospital and not stabilized and it is unclear whether he will pull through or not.

What is the origin of the phrase touch and go?

Coach drivers used the term ‘touch and go’ for a narrow escape after the wheels of two coaches touched in a near accident – the wheels would TOUCH, there would be a moment of extreme anxiety, but neither vehicle was stopped, and each could GO on.

Is touch and go hyphenated?

Extremely uncertain as to the outcome of something. Hyphenated if used before a noun.

What does the phrase there and then mean?

or then and there. phrase. If something happens there and then or then and there, it happens immediately.

What was rough and tumble?

: rough disorderly unrestrained fighting or struggling also : infighting.

What does it mean when something is hairy?

adjective. Someone or something that is hairy is covered with hairs. He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs. adjective. If you describe a situation as hairy, you mean that it is exciting, worrying, and somewhat frightening.

What does the phrase high and mighty mean?

Definition of high-and-mighty : arrogant, imperious.

What is the meaning of rant and rave?

Talk loudly and vehemently, especially in anger, as in There you go again, ranting and raving about the neighbor’s car in your driveway. This idiom is a redundancy, since rant and rave mean just about the same thing, but probably survives on account of its alliterative appeal.

Which is correct there and then or then and there?

If something happens there and then or then and there, it happens immediately. Many felt that he should have resigned there and then. There and then he made his decision. A friend of Pip’s invited them then and there to his college ball that night.

Do it in one go Meaning?

chiefly British. : in one attempt : without stopping He managed to finish the work in/at one go.

Is rough and tumble a martial art?

1) Rough-and-Tumble The “martial” part is there, yes, but it was an “art” only in the same sense that unleashing a pack of half-starved dingoes into your home is “interior decorating.” Rough-and-tumble originated when the US was in its infancy, in the rural south.

What is an example of rough and tumble play?

Some examples of rough and tumble play include play fighting, chasing, tumbling, kicking and boxing. When your students are playing in any of these ways, they are practicing risk-taking, conflict resolution, and building their own physical and emotional strength.


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