When should I be worried about blood clots in my period?

When should I be worried about blood clots in my period?

If you need to change your tampon or pad after less than 2 hours or you pass clots the size of a quarter or larger, that is heavy bleeding. If you have this type of bleeding, you should see a doctor. Untreated heavy or prolonged bleeding can stop you from living your life to the fullest.

What do period clots look like?

Menstrual clots are gel-like blobs of coagulated blood, tissue, and blood that’re expelled from the uterus during menstruation. They resemble stewed strawberries or the clumps of fruit you may sometimes find in jam, and vary in color from bright to dark red.

Is it normal to pee out blood clots on your period?

Passing blood clots during your menstrual cycle is often a normal occurrence during the heaviest days of your period. In fact, most women experience clots at some point in their lives; however, heavy bleeding and passing large clots can sometimes be a cause for concern.

When to worry about blood clots during period?

However, passing large blood clots may be a sign that something’s wrong. If your periods seem heavier than usual — for instance, soaking through one pad or tampon every hour for several hours or passing very large blood clots — check with your doctor. Your doctor can determine if there’s an underlying problem causing your heavy periods.

Why do I have clots in my period blood?

7 Potential Causes for Large Blood Clots During Your Period Thyroid Conditions. Your thyroid is the gland in your neck responsible for hormone production and distribution. Polyps and Fibroids. Growths like polyps and fibroids can settle in the uterus and its lining and can cause your period to become heavier and longer than usual. Birth Control. Medications. Miscarriage. Endometriosis.

Is it normal to have lot of blood clots during your period?

So by the consensus of the medical community, it’s considered normal to pass blood clots during your period, as along as: The clots are not as big as the size of a quarter; The clots do not accompany severe menstrual cramps or abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding; and The clots do not occur in between periods or during pregnancy.

Is it bad to get blood clots during your period?

Blood clots in period may not always be a problem, especially during the first days of menstruation. However, big clots in period is abnormal. During normal period, blood loss is less than 80mls. If you have prolonged periods with big blood clots then you should see your doctor immediately.


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