Where can I download VMware tools for Windows?

Where can I download VMware tools for Windows?

All VMware Tools ISO images are available for download from http://my.vmware.com. VMware Tools for Windows: 32-bit and 64-bit installer executable (.exe) files are available for download. These files are provided for easier access and installation of VMware Tools in Windows guest operating systems.

How do I install Open VM Tools?


  1. Ensure that the package index is updated: sudo apt-get update.
  2. If the VM has a GUI (X11, and so on), install or upgrade open-vm-tools-desktop: sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop.
  3. Otherwise, use the command to install open-vm-tools: sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools.

How install VMware tools VMware 16?

To install VMware Tools in VMware Player:

  1. Power on the virtual machine.
  2. Log in to the virtual machine using an account with Administrator or root privileges.
  3. Wait for the desktop to load and be ready.
  4. Click Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools.

How do I manually download VMware tools?

Manually Download VMware tools ISO image from VMware

  1. Select the ESXi version here. Here you have all the ESXi 5.5 update 1 supported guest operating systems directory.
  2. Supported Guest operating systems. Navigate to the Guest operating system architecture.
  3. Select the OS architecture.
  4. Download and install it.

How do I download VMware tools on Linux?

To install VMware Tools in a Linux guest operating system using Compiler:

  1. Ensure that your Linux virtual machine is powered on.
  2. If you are running a GUI interface, open a command shell.
  3. Right Click VM in the virtual machine menu, then click Guest > Install/Upgrade VMware Tools.
  4. Click OK.
  5. To create a mount point, run:

How to manually install VMware Tools?

To manually start the VMware Tools Installer: Connect to the ESX Server host your virtual machine resides on or connect to your VirtualCenter server with the VMware Infrastructure Client (VI Client). Right-click the virtual machine you want to install VMware Tools on, in your inventory. Choose to cancel or end the VMware Tools installation.

How can I install VMware Tools?

To install VMware Tools, follow this procedure: Start the virtual machine. On the menu of the VMware console window, choose Player→Manage→Install VMware Tools. Click Download and Install. Follow the instructions in the Setup program to install the VMware tools.

Can’t uninstall VMware Tools?

To resolve this trouble, you’ll have to to the following: Open the Windows Registry editor. Click Start > Run. Browse to HKLM \\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\ninstall. There you’ll have to search for the branch with a key named DisplayName and has a value of VMware Tools . Browse to HKLM\\Software\\Classes\\Installer\\Products .

How to install VMware Workstation on ubunt?

How to Install Ubuntu on VMware Workstation Open VMware Workstation and click on “New Virtual Machine”. Select “Typical (recommended)” and click “Next”. Select “Installer disc image (ISO)”, click “Browse” to select the Ubuntu ISO file, click “Open” then “Next”. You have to type in “Full name”, “User name” that must only consist of lowercase and numbers then you must enter a password. After you finished, click “Next”. See More….


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