Where can I find Jimmy j3nkins?

Where can I find Jimmy j3nkins?

He appears in maps that contain Hyperion enemies, such as Opportunity, Wildlife Exploitation Preserve, the Badlands, or the Hyperion base in Thousand Cuts. He is a loot midget enemy, and as such will only be found in Hyperion ammo crates, lockers, and cardboard boxes.

Who is Jimmy Jenkins?

Jimmy J3NKN5 (AKA Jimmy Jenkins) is a extremely rare loot loader required for the challenge “JEEEENKINSSSSSS!!!” which is needed for the trophy/achievement “Challenge Accepted” Jenkins is notable for having one arm shorter than the other. Jenkins main attack is a blue laser that fires from its eye.

Where can I farm Jimmy Jenkins?

Jimmy J3KN5 (Jenkins) is spawning RANDOMLY in hyperion crates, boxes and lockers. Which means it can be farmed in Opportunity, Wildlife Exploitation Preserve, Hero’s Pass, the Badlands or Thousand Cuts.

How do you spawn Jimmy Jenkins in Borderlands 2?

Now you will spawn here every time you restart the game. Open the two chests on the left, restart the game. Open the two chests on the left, restart etc etc. Jimmy J3KN5 (Jenkins) is spawning RANDOMLY in hyperion crates, boxes and lockers….Borderlands 2.

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Do loot midgets drop Legendaries?

Loot Midgets have a 15% chance to drop a legendary item. In Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, Loot Midgets are renamed to “Legendary Loot Midget” and have a 50% chance to drop an E-tech relic and roughly every 10th legendary will be a pearlescent weapon. Loot Midgets cannot drop legendary shields.

How many loot midgets are there?

This achievement/trophy requires players to kill each of the Loot Midgets that jump out of loot boxes and lockers (lootable objects). The chests and lockers that they jump out of can appear in various positions within known areas. There are five loot midgets to kill: Crimson Shorty.

Can loot midgets drop shields?

Loot Midgets have a 15% chance to drop a legendary item. Loot Midgets cannot drop legendary shields.


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