Where can I fish the Shetucket River?

Where can I fish the Shetucket River?

Season: The fishing season is species dependent.

  • Spring: Springtime is the best time for fly fishing the Shetucket River for trout.
  • Summer: The Summer slows down the trout fishing in some areas.
  • Fall: Fall is a good time to catch a large brown trout.
  • Winter: Wintertime is the prime time for Atlantic Salmon.
  • How deep is the Shetucket River?

    Maximum discharge on the river today is recorded at the Shetucket River At Taftville with a streamflow rate of 763 cfs. This is also the deepest point on the Shetucket River, reporting a gauge stage of 6.19 ft.

    What River runs through Norwich Connecticut?

    Shetucket River
    The Shetucket River begins at the confluence of the Natchaug and Willimantic Rivers in the Willimantic section of Windham, and then continues to flow through Windham, Scotland, Sprague, Lisbon, Preston and Norwich.

    Where do they stock salmon in Connecticut?

    Young salmon are stocked into numerous tributary streams within the Connecticut and Pawcatuck River drainages, where they can be abundant. Surplus broodstock adults are stocked during the fall into stretches of the Shetucket and Naugatuck Rivers.

    Can you keep salmon in CT?

    While the Federal Government and other New England states have discontinued the restoration program, Connecticut has transitioned to a “Legacy Program” and will be maintaining enough Atlantic Salmon to preserve genetic integrity of the Connecticut River strain.

    How do you pronounce Thames River in CT?

    In Connecticut, the correct way to pronounce Thames is THAYMS. It rhymes with James, and with long A and a th-sound at the front. The Thames River begins at the confluence of the Shetucket and Yantic Rivers at Norwich Harbor.

    Are there salmon in the Connecticut River?

    In Connecticut, small numbers of anadromous adults run up the Connecticut River and its larger tributaries. Young salmon are stocked into numerous tributary streams within the Connecticut and Pawcatuck River drainages, where they can be abundant.

    Where can I fish on salmon river CT?

    The majority of the anglers that fish the Salmon River access it in the Salmon River State Park where they fish the Trout Management Area. River Road runs along the stream and provides access. The River Road crosses the Blackledge River and provides access to the Salmon River State Forest and the Trout Management Area.

    Why is there an H in Thames?

    At the time it was called the Temese, a form believed to come from an earlier, unrecorded English *Tamisa. The a in Thames is etymologically correct, since the Latin forms had that vowel, but the h is a “learned” error, added in the mistaken belief that Thames derived from Greek.


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