Where can I see crocodiles in Broome?

Where can I see crocodiles in Broome?

  • THE LOWER ORD. The Lower Ord River in the East Kimberley has a very high population of saltwater crocs, with reports of 5+ metre salties being spotted!
  • LAKE ARGYLE. There are over 30,000 freshwater crocodiles in Lake Argyle.

Who owns the crocodile farm in Broome?

In a separate incident, a slightly older crocodile — around 20 centimetres long — escaped its pen and slipped out a gate, and was found in a roadside drain. Park owner Valerie Douglas said she was installing new fencing along the park perimeter.

Are crocodiles in Broome?

Many times I get asked this one question, “Are there crocodiles in Broome?” Yes, there are crocodiles in Broome, they have been sighted travelling all along our coasts.

Where can I see crocodiles in Western Australia?

  • Marlgu Billabong, via Wyndham,Western Australia:
  • Daintree River, Daintree, Far North Queensland.
  • Adelaide River via Darwin, Northern Territory:
  • Lake Argyle, via Kununurra, Western Australia:
  • Cahills Crossing, Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory.
  • Windjana Gorge, via Gibb River Road, Western Australia:

Is it safe to swim in Broome?

Cable Beach in Broome is safe for swimming for most of the tourist season, but not during the wet season. From November to about May, even June, the northern oceans are inhabited by Chironex box jellyfish and Irukandji.

Is Broome safe?

Broome is an incredibly safe place to backpack and travel — even if you’re traveling solo, and even as a solo female traveler. Violent attacks and petty theft are rare. People are nice and helpful and you’re unlikely to get into trouble.

What happened to Malcolm Douglas?

On 23 September 2010, Douglas was killed in a car accident at his Wilderness Park, 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) north of Broome, Western Australia. Douglas was found crushed between his vehicle and a tree; in reports police emphasised that his death was not suspicious but are unsure of the cause of the accident.

Are there crocodiles on Cable Beach?

Now to the crocodiles. They are indeed the same at Cable Beach and near Broome as elsewhere across the north: It is a very rare occurrence to see a crocodile at any beach in northern Australia. Saltwater crocodiles prefer river and creek mouths, estuaries and mangrove swamps. Deep, murky waters where they can hide.

Can I swim in Broome?

The general rule is that you can swim in Broome during the dry season. The reason is that Irukandji and box jellyfish are not active in colder waters. Once the water temperature is over 28 degrees you should definitely stay out of the water. It takes the water some time to cool down.

Where in Australia has the most crocodiles?

In the wild You can see crocs (with some luck) on all the northern coasts of Australia (north of the Tropic of Capricorn). The best place remains the Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.

Where are the most crocodiles in Australia?

There are thought to be around 200,000 Saltwater Crocodiles in Australia, with the most found in the areas surrounding Darwin and the Mary River. Over the years, they have been hunted for their skins and have almost been brought to extinction on a number of occasions.

Are there snakes in Broome?

Most snakes we get around Broome are mostly pythons and harmless ‘venomous’ species including species like the Whip Snakes and Moon Snakes. We also have the Western Brown Snake called Gwardar and the King Brown, commonly called Mulga – which is a member of the Black Snake family.


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