Where can I try out Macaulay2?

Where can I try out Macaulay2?

You can try out Macaulay2 in a web browser at Macaulay2 Server. The web application running there was written by Franziska Hinkelmann, Lars Kastner, and Mike Stillman. Read the “Welcome Tutorial” there to find out how to interact with Macaulay2 . You can try out Macaulay2 in a web browser at Macaulay2Web .

What is the Macaulay duration?

Macaulay duration tells the weighted average time that a bond needs to be held so that the total present value of the cash flows received is equal to the current market price paid for the bond. It is often used in bond immunization strategies.

What programming language is Macaulay2 written in?

Macaulay2 uses its own interpreted high-level programming language both from the command line and in saved programs. This language is intended to be easy to use for mathematicians, and many parts of the system are indeed written in the Macaulay2 language. The algebraic algorithms that form the core functionality are written in C++…

What is the Macaulay duration for zero coupon bonds?

A zero-coupon bond assumes the highest Macaulay duration compared with coupon bonds, assuming other features are the same. It is equal to the maturity for a zero-coupon bond and is less than the maturity for coupon bonds. Macaulay duration also demonstrates an inverse relationship with yield to maturity.

What is Macaulay’s method?

Macaulay’s Method is a means to find the equation that describes the deflected shape of a beam. From this equation, any deflection of interest can be found. Before Macaulay’s paper of 1919, the equation for the deflection of beams could not be found in closed form.

What Is the Macaulay Duration? The Macaulay duration is the weighted average term to maturity of the cash flows from a bond. The weight of each cash flow is determined by dividing the present value of the cash flow by the price. Macaulay duration is frequently used by portfolio managers who use an immunization strategy.

How do I run Macaulay2 on CoCalc?

You can also try out Macaulay2 in a web browser on the CoCalc, thanks to William Stein. Click on “Welcome to CoCalc!”, pull down the “New” menu, select “Terminal (.term)”, click “Create”, and run “M2” from the command line. Or first create an account, log in, and create a new project, and then create a new terminal.


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