Where can I volunteer with animals in Singapore?

Where can I volunteer with animals in Singapore?

Where to volunteer at animal shelters in Singapore

  • Hope Dog Rescue.
  • Metta Cats & Dogs Sanctuary.
  • Love The Voiceless.
  • Voices For Animals.
  • Mutts and Mittens.
  • Cat Welfare Society.
  • Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
  • Love Kuching Project.

How old must you be to volunteer at SPCA?

Volunteers of at least 17-years-old and above are required to commit for at least 4 consecutive months on a weekly or fortnightly basis. The SPCA enlists volunteers to take care of the hygiene and health of the dogs by cleaning their kennels, taking them on walks and bringing them to the vet.

What is the role of volunteers in SPCA?

Depending on the age and capabilities of the volunteer, this can range from helping to feed the cats and/or puppies and making sure that they have clean and dry bedding, to exercising and dipping dogs. It is important to remember though, that the SPCA you are volunteering at may not have any permanent posts available.

What can you do at SPCA?

SPCA is the only charity with the legal powers to help animals in need and bring animal offenders to justice. Our Inspectors are appointed under the Animal Welfare Act 1999 which provides powers to investigate cruelty, abuse, neglect and abandonment.

How do I join animal welfare?

If You Really Want To Do Your Bit For Animals, Here Are 15 NGOs You Can Volunteer At

  1. Animal Aid Unlimited.
  2. People For Animals.
  3. Wildlife SOS India.
  4. Red Paws Rescue.
  5. Visakha Society for Protection and Care of Animals (VSPCA India)
  6. Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre (SGACC)
  7. Stray Relief and Animal Welfare (STRAW) India.

Where can I do volunteer work in Singapore?

Where to do volunteer work at charities in Singapore

  • Giving.sg.
  • Trash Hero Singapore.
  • Habitat for Humanity.
  • Ray of Hope.
  • Very Special Arts Singapore.
  • Riding for the Disabled Association Singapore.
  • Action for AIDS.
  • Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association.

What qualifications do I need to work at the SPCA?

How do I become an SPCA Inspector?

  • You must be 18 years old or older.
  • Must have a clean criminal record.
  • You should have a Matric or equivalent.
  • You must have a driver’s licence.
  • Must have volunteered/worked at an SPCA for at least 3 months and been nominated by their Society to attend a training course.

How can I get involved with SPCA?

There are various ways to support and get involved with our work.

  1. Become a Volunteer. The Sandton SPCA currently has a dog walking volunteer programme that runs on Saturday mornings from 09:00 until about 12:00.
  2. Volunteer a Service. Volunteering at the SPCA is not just about walking dogs.
  3. Become a Member.

What is SPCA in full?

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

How do you form SPCA?

(a) The first step is for the administration to announce the making of the SPCA and give advertisements in the papers asking for those interested to sign the forms and fill in the membership fees before a particular date – 15 days from the advertisement – at a particular designated office.


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