Where do the Sahrawis live?

Where do the Sahrawis live?

The Sahrawi, or Saharawi, are the people living in the western part of the Sahara desert which includes Western Sahara (claimed by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and mostly controlled by Morocco), other parts of southern Morocco and the extreme southwest of Algeria.

What is Western Sahara religion?

The overwhelming majority of the population is Sunni Muslim. Christian leaders report there are dozens of Moroccan Christians, as well as a small group of foreign resident Roman Catholics.

Do Western Saharans speak Spanish?

Saharan Spanish (Spanish: español saharaui) is the variety of the Spanish language spoken in Western Sahara and adjacent regions. This non-native variety is heavily influenced by both Spanish cultural links and a strong expatriate community who live in Spain and Hispanic America, particularly Cuba.

Is Spanish Sahara a country?

The United Nations considers the former Spanish Sahara a non-self-governing territory, with Spain as the former administrative power and, since the 1970s, Morocco as the current administrative power.

WHO recognizes Western Sahara?

On December 10, 2020, President Donald Trump announced that the United States would officially recognize Morocco’s claims over Western Sahara, as a result of Morocco agreeing to normalize relations with Israel.

¿Cuál es el número de saharauis instalados en el país?

Página 52, Nota 88: “Actualmente es imposible aportar cifras exactas sobre el número de saharauis instalados en el país, ya que no existen datos oficiales elaborados por la administración española o por las autoridades saharauis.

¿Quiénes son los habitantes del Sahara Occidental?

Así en el censo de 1974 estará perfectamente documentado quiénes son los habitantes del Sahara Occidental, los saharauis, a los que durante el fallido proceso de descolonización corresponde, a ellos o a sus descendientes, la autodeterminación del Sahara Occidental .

¿Quién vive en los campamentos de refugiados saharauis?

Las más de 190.000 personas que viven actualmente en los campamentos de refugiados saharauis, suroeste de Argelia, se encuentran en unas condiciones muy extremas y en una crisis alimentaria, los refugiados se enfrentan a un duro invierno de hambre y frío.


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