Where does Al Franken live now?

Where does Al Franken live now?

New York
Al Franken/Places lived

What political party was the Al Franken?

Democratic Party
Al Franken/Parties

Where is Al Franken from?

Manhattan, New York, NY
Al Franken/Place of birth

Who did Al Franken run against for Senate?

After a legal battle lasting over eight months, the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party (DFL) candidate, Al Franken, defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in one of the closest elections in the history of the Senate, with Coleman’s Senate predecessor Dean Barkley taking third place.

Who are the two senators from Minnesota?

Amy Klobuchar (Democratic Party)
Tina Smith (Democratic Party)
Its current U.S. senators are Democrats Amy Klobuchar (since 2007) and Tina Smith (since 2018). The appointment of Smith marked the first time the state had two female U.S. senators at any one time. Knute Nelson is Minnesota’s longest-serving senator (1895–1923).

How tall is Al Franken?

5′ 6″
Al Franken/Height

How much does a Minnesota senator make?

Compensation of Minnesota Legislators, 1858 – present

Years Annual Salarya Senate Per Diem3
2019-2020 $45,000/$46,500d $8649
2017-2018 $31,140/$45,000c $8646
2015-2016 $31,140 $865
2013-2014 $31,140 $864

Who is currently the youngest serving senator?

Jon Ossoff (D-GA) is the youngest sitting senator at 34, replacing Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, who at 41 was the youngest senator of the 116th Congress. Ossoff is the youngest person elected to the U.S. Senate since Don Nickles in 1980. The average age of senators is now higher than in the past.

Who played Stuart Smalley?

Al Franken
Stuart Smalley is a fictional character created and performed by comedian and satirist Al Franken. The character originated on the television show Saturday Night Live, in a mock self-help show called “Daily Affirmations With Stuart Smalley.” It first aired on the show’s February 9, 1991 episode hosted by Kevin Bacon.


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