Where does Linux store IT users information eg username home directory?

Where does Linux store IT users information eg username home directory?

To explain it in simpler words, the /etc/passwd file stores the user’s account details. This file is a plain text file that contains a complete list of all users on your Linux system. It has the information about username, password, UID (user id), GID (group id), shell, and home directory.

What is stored in home in Linux?

In computing, a home directory is a directory which contains the personal files of a particular user of the system. On Unix/Linux systems, this includes configuration files (usually hidden, i.e. starting with a .), documents, locally installed programs, etc.

Where does Linux store user data?

In Linux, personal data is stored in /home/username folder. When you run the installer and it ask you for partition your hard disk, I suggest you to create an extended partition for the home folder. If you need to format your computer, you only have to do it with the primary partition.

Where user information is stored?

Most of the user account information is stored in the passwd file.

In which file are the passwords of users stored on Linux?

The /etc/passwd is the password file that stores each user account. The /etc/shadow file stores contain the password hash information for the user account and optional aging information.

Where is Linux stored?

Table 4-1 Linux Folders

Folder Use
/proc/sys Information about the current running status of the system is stored here.
/root This is the home directory for the main superuser.
/bin Software that is vital for the system to be able to boot is stored here.
/sbin Software that should be run only by the superuser is stored here.

In which file are user accounts stored?

Where are shared files stored in Linux?

Globally accessible user scripts can be placed in /usr/local/bin . Small amounts of associated data could also go into bin . Or you may wish to separate out the data into /usr/local/var or /usr/local/share .

Where are user passwords stored?

/etc/passwd file
The /etc/passwd file, which contains information about all users, including their encrypted password, is readable by all users, making it possible for any user to get the encrypted password of everyone on the system.


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