Where does the number 01572 come from?

Where does the number 01572 come from?

Where is the 01572 Area Code? The Oakham 01572 dialling code intersects the counties of Rutland and Leicestershire in the East Midlands Region of the UK.

Where is this telephone area code?

{{Number of results}} Results are shown

Code Area
01209 Redruth
0121 Birmingham
01223 Cambridge
01224 Aberdeen

What area has the telephone code 01752?

01752 is the area code for Plymouth, Devon, UK.

What area code is 01472?

Grimsby. The 01472 area code is for Grimsby and the surrounding area. Locations using 01472 numbers include: Binbrook.

What area is 01582 Phone code?

01582 is the area code for Luton, Bedfordshire, UK.

What is STD Code of Sikar?

Sikar Std Code Number, Rajasthan

Location STD Code State
Sikar 01572 Rajasthan

What’s this phone’s number?

Check Your Phone Settings On Android the most common path to finding your number is: Settings > About phone/device > Status/phone identity > Network. This slightly differs on Apple devices, where you can follow the path of Settings > Phone > My Number.

Is 01752 a landline code?

💡 01752 is the area code for Plymouth and the surrounding area.

What area is 01753 Dialling code?

Where is the 01753 Area Code? The Slough 01753 dialling code intersects the counties of Berkshire and Buckinghamshire in the South East Region of the UK.

Who is calling from 01427?

The 01427 area code is for Gainsborough and the surrounding area. Locations using 01427 numbers include: Corringham. Epworth.

Who called 01472?


15/12/2020 01472 009470 called claiming to be from some advisors asking about a recent accident I had been involved in ( lies) then asked if i knew anyone who had then hung up.
04/11/2020 answer phone on 01472 blockd cold callers looks like grimsby have a load of crooks
16/09/2020 01472352851


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