Where does the term bairn come from?

Where does the term bairn come from?

The word bairn comes from the Old English word bearn, a “descendant,” and is related to the verb bear, as in bearing children. A bairn can be either a male or female child. It can also refer more generally to childhood.

Why do Scots say bairn?

Derived from the Old English word bearn, meaning child or descendent, bairn has its roots in Old Saxon and Old High German, and is used in some parts of North East England and Yorkshire as well as eastern Scotland. Bairn remains part of Scottish culture thanks to a famous Scottish family – The Broons.

Is bairn an Irish word?

Bairn is a Northern English, Scottish English and Scots term for a child. It originated in Old English as “bearn”, becoming restricted to Scotland and the North of England c.

What do they call babies in Outlander?

Bairn/Wean: baby/child.

What do the Irish call a baby?

Wean. Pronounced “wayne,” this word means child.

Do people still say bairn?

Bairns can be found in most other airts and pairts. Both words are still used, fairly commonly, especially where people speak Scots rather than English at home. This is predominantly, but not exclusively, in working class areas.

What does Bonnie mean in Irish?

Pretty, Attractive, Beautiful, Good.

What do they call babies in Ireland?

3. Wean. Pronounced “wayne,” this word means child.

What is the Dutch word for baby?

baby → benjamin, kindje, stuk, schatje, liefje, lieverd, kleuter, baby, jong, kleintje, wiegenkind, geborene, pasgeborene, nieuwgeborene, boreling, zuigeling. baby → baby, zuigeling, kip, hen, kippevlees.

What is the meaning of the word Bairn?

BAIRN Meaning: “child” (of either gender or any age), “son or daughter,” Old English bearn “child, son, descendant,”… See definitions of bairn.

What is a Cain Bairn?

Cain bairns are children seized by witches and warlocks as tribute for the devil. Examples of the term’s use include the phrase “Jock Tamson’s Bairns” as an idiomatic expression of egalitarian sentiment and the title of the 19th century Geordie folk song “Come Geordie ha’d the bairn.”.

Why are they called the Bairns in EastEnders?

There’s a lot of bairn -mama drama in the show, to put it mildly. The Scottish football (soccer) team Falkirk F.C. are nicknamed The Bairns, a reference to the natives of Falkirk and their town motto: “Better meddle wi’ the de’il [devil] than the Bairns o’Fa’kirk [of Falkrik].”

What is Bairn in Outlander?

English speakers across the pond or down under—that is, Americans, Canadians, or Australians—may have encountered bairn in the popular television show Outlander, which follows a woman who time travels back to 1743 Scotland. There’s a lot of bairn -mama drama in the show, to put it mildly.


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