Where is 11055 Godan Express?
Where is 11055 Godan Express?
About Train 11055 GODAN EXPRESS Train 11055 GODAN EXPRESS runs from Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus(LTT) to Gorakhpur Junction(GKP) on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Train departs from Mumbai Lokmanya Tilak Terminus(LTT) at 10:55 and reaches Gorakhpur Junction(GKP) at 20:35.
Where is Godan Express 11056?
11056 Godan Express Train Time Table
Station | Arrives | Departs |
NASIK ROAD (NK) | 11:02 | 11:05 |
KALYAN JN (KYN) | 14:07 | 14:10 |
THANE (TNA) | 14:27 | 14:30 |
LOKMANYA TILAK TERM (LTT) | 15:20 | ——— |
Where is Godan Express now?
Gorakhpur is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Mumbai is located in the state of Maharashtra. The two cities are located at a distance of 1733kms. The train 11056 is named as GODAN EXPRESS….Godan Express -11056 ( Gorakhpur Junction to Lokmanyatilak T )
Station name (code) | Khorason Road (KRND) |
Arrives | 11:08 |
Departs | 11:10 |
Stop time | 2 min |
Distance travelled | 217 km |
What is Train No of Godan Express?
GODAN EXPRESS – 11055, LOKMANYATILAK T (LTT) To GORAKHPUR JN (GKP) – Route, Timing, Running Status & Fare.
What is the time of Godan Express?
The train 11055 is named as GODAN EXPRESS. It leaves Mumbai at 10:55 on day 1 and reaches Gorakhpur at 20:30 on day 2.It takes 33 hrs 35 mins to reach from its source to the destination. Some of the major stations that the train passes through on its way are ALLAHABAD JUNCTION, GORAKHPUR JUNCTION, and NASIK ROAD.
Is Godan Express Cancelled?
The trains that have been cancelled on Sunday include Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Gorakhpur Godan Express (11055/56), Muzaffarpur-Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Pawan Express (11062), Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Darbhanga Express (11065), Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Allahabad Tulsi Express (11069), Lokmanya Tilak Terminus-Varanasi …
Is Pawan Express Cancelled?
Where is 11062 train?
Jaynagar to Mumbai Pawan Express 11062 train schedule cloud_download
Station | Arrive Depart | Pf |
Nasik Road ( NK ) | 20:52 20:55 | 4 |
Kalyan Jn ( KYN ) | 23:17 23:20 | 5 |
Thane ( TNA ) | 23:43 23:45 | 8 |
Lokmanya Tilak Term ( LTT ) | 00:25 Ends | 5 |
What is the duration of the 11055 – Godan Express?
The 11055 – Godan Express runs from LTT (Lokmanyatilak T) to GKP (Gorakhpur Jn). Godan Express runs on 4 days of the week. The 11055 mail express train departs from Lokmanyatilak T at 10:55 hrs and arrives at Gorakhpur Jn at 08:20 hrs. The total running duration of 11055 train is 33hr 25min, stopping at 23 stations during the journey.
What is the duration of 11055 mail express train from Delhi to Gorakhpur?
The 11055 mail express train departs from Lokmanyatilak T at 10:55 hrs and arrives at Gorakhpur Jn at 08:20 hrs. The total running duration of 11055 train is 33hr 25min, stopping at 23 stations during the journey.
How can I check the status of 11055 from lokmanyatilak to Gorakhpur?
It does not represent current status 11055 is a popular Lokmanyatilak T to Gorakhpur Jn mail express train and covers a distance of about 1733 km. You can check platform number and coach position at which 11055 is about to arrive along with the stoppage time at a particular station.
What is the total running duration of the 11055 train?
The total running duration of 11055 train is 33hr 25min, stopping at 23 stations during the journey. Prayagraj Jn. is the station with the longest halt time, a maximum of 25min. The fare classes on this route are 2A,3A,SL and ticket bookings can be made using the following quotas: GN,TQ,SS,LD.