Where is 351 number from?

Where is 351 number from?

Telephone numbers in Portugal

NSN length 9
Access codes
Country calling code +351
International call prefix 00

What is the phone number 503 from?

Portland is located near the west coast in Multnomah County, but area code 503 and 971 includes parts of the cities of Salem and Astoria as well.

What area code is 351 Canada?

Area code 351

State Larger cities in area code 351 Time Zone
MA Massachusetts Beverly, Chelmsford, Danvers, Fitchburg, Gardner, Gloucester, Haverhill, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Methuen, Peabody, Salem, Wilmington More cities EASTERN Current time is 06:01:42 PM
— overlays area code 978 —

Is 351 a toll free number?

The 351 telephone area code is not toll free. Charges applies when you make an international or local call.

What is the telephone prefix for Portugal?

Portugal/Dialing codes

What area codes should you not answer?

Unless you know that a call is legitimate, it’s best to avoid calls from the following international area codes with a +1-country code:

  • 232: Sierra Leone.
  • 242: Bahamas.
  • 246: Barbados.
  • 284: British Virgin Islands.
  • 268: Antigua and Barbuda.
  • 345: Cayman Islands.
  • 441: Bermuda.
  • 473: Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

What time zone is 503?

Get the name, address, and phone carrier for any number

State: Oregon
Major City: Portland
Timezone: Pacific
Current Time: 1:00pm
Short URL: allareacodes.com/503

What is a 503 response?

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 503 Service Unavailable server error response code indicates that the server is not ready to handle the request. This response should be used for temporary conditions and the Retry-After HTTP header should, if possible, contain the estimated time for the recovery of the service.

Which country code is 531?

Area codes 402 and 531 are telephone area codes in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) for eastern Nebraska.

What network is 087 Ireland?

Vodafone Ireland
Mobile network operators (MNOs)

NDC Network Notes
083 and 086 Three Ireland 086 previously belonged to O2.
085 eir mobile previously known as Meteor and eMobile
087 Vodafone Ireland formerly Eircell

How do I call a 351 number?

Dial the international call prefix (00/+), then the Portugal country code (351), and finally the subscriber number, e.g., 00-351-21XXXXXXX or +351-21XXXXXXX.

How do I dial to Portugal?

To call Portugal from abroad, dial the international access code (00), then Portugal’s country code (351), then the number. All domestic numbers have nine digits, and there are no area codes. Most public phones accept phonecards only – available at most newsstands – though a few coin-operated phones are still around.


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