Where is Digital Realty based?

Where is Digital Realty based?

Austin, Texas
Digital Realty

Type Public company
Headquarters Austin, Texas, US
Key people Laurence A. Chapman, Chairman A. William Stein, CEO Andrew P. Power, CFO
Products Data centers
Revenue $3.209 billion (2019)

How many customers does Digital Realty have?

2300 customers
Why do they select Digital Realty? With over 2300 customers, the markets they serve, and the size of their businesses vary considerably. We do see an emphasis in key verticals such as Healthcare, Finance, and of course Gaming, IoT, and AI technologies.

What do Digital Realty do?

Digital Realty supports the data centre, colocation and interconnection strategies of customers across the world, ranging from cloud and information technology services, communications and social networking, to financial services, manufacturing, energy, healthcare and consumer products.

Is Digital Realty a good company?

Digital Realty is a good company and they compensate their employees well. I work well with the people and the customers.

What is Digital Realty Trust ®?

First established in 2004, Digital Realty Trust ® is built on the foundation of digital trust with core values driven by customer centricity, excellence, and teamwork.

How much will Digital Realty make on the powered base building?

These 10 properties are fully leased and are expected to generate 2020 cash net operating income of approximately $37 million, representing a 6.6% cap rate. Digital Realty will provide transitional property management services for the Powered Base Building® portfolio for one year from the closing date at a customary market rate.

Why choose ddigital Realty?

Digital Realty supports the data center, colocation and interconnection strategies of customers across the Americas, EMEA and APAC, ranging from cloud and information technology services, communications and social networking to financial services, manufacturing, energy, healthcare and consumer products.

What are the benefits of power-based buildings?

Power-based buildings offer the ease of expansion as your company continues to grow and your data center needs change Reduce your initial capital data center investment by leveraging our power and network infrastructure that is already in place to expand your digital capabilities


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