Where is Karen SOS FOMT?

Where is Karen SOS FOMT?

Schedule: Karen doesn’t wander too far from the general store. Most of the time she’ll be either in the back room of the store or in the main store area. From 8:00 am to 10:00 pm (excluding Sunday and Tuesday) she sits on the bench outside the store with Rick, and then from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm she’ll be at the beach.

Where does Karen live in Harvest Moon?

You may be looking for Karen in her other appearances throughout the series. Karen (カレン, Karen) is a character in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. Karen is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha. The family live at and operate Mineral Town’s Supermarket.

How do you make Karen fall in love in harvest moon back to nature?

Answer “Love life” and then Karen will have +5000 heart points. One day in Spring, Karen will visit the Farm to give the player a bag of Moondrop seeds. After the flowers grow, Karen will visit you again. She will compliment you on the flowers you grew and gain +5000 affection.

How do you get a red heart in Harvest Moon?

In order to marry a bachelor or bachelorette, you must increase their heart level to red first. The heart level will be shown each time you talk to the person, and it will go from black, to purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and finally, red.

Where is Karen on Tuesday?


Everyday (except Tuesdays/Sundays), Sunny
7:30pm – 10pm 1st Floor of the Inn
10pm – 10:30pm Walking to Supermarket
10:30pm – 6am Locked in the Supermarket
Tuesdays (Rain/Snow)

Who is the little girl Harvest Moon BtN?

In BtN, of which FoMT is remake of, it’s revealed that the little girl is whomever you marry. From Popuri to Ann, they’re all her.

What do you give Karen in Harvest Moon?

Cooking for the Girls

  • Karen will ask for french fries, tempura or popcorn.
  • Ann will ask for mushroom rice, a hotcake or cheese fondue.
  • Popuri will request fried rice, an omelet(te) or scrambled eggs.
  • Mary will ask for relax tea, veggie juice or a chocolate cake.
  • Elli will request strawberry milk, hot milk or a sandwich.

How do you make a popuri Purple Heart?

To make Popuri happy, tell her you like chickens! Requirements: Popuri is at a purple heart level or higher, and you’ve seen the black heart event. Exit your house in between 6AM and 12PM, and Popuri will be at your door.

How do you get Karen Blue Heart?

Blue Heart Event Requirements: Watch the previous events, and have Karen be at a blue heart level or higher. You must have the largest version of the rucksack with an available slot to trigger. Go to the Supermarket on a Wednesday or Friday in between 10AM and 1PM. Karen is overjoyed by some news she has just heard!

Who is Van in Harvest Moon DS?

Van (バーン Bān) is a character in Harvest Moon: DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute. Van is a traveling salesman who appears in the valley on every date that ends in a 3 or 8 (e.g. 3rd, 8th, 13th, 18th, 23rd 28th, etc.).

How do you meet Karen in the supermarket?

Requirements: Karen is at a black heart or higher. You must have an empty slot in the tool section of your Rucksack. Go to the Supermarket on Wednesday or Friday between 10AM and 1PM. Karen will greet you, and introduce herself.

What does Karen like in Harvest Moon 64?

Karen’s personality changes a lot between Harvest Moon 64 and Friends Of Mineral Town. In both games, she loves wine and being at the beach, but she’s much happier in Mineral Town. She is rude to the player when first introduced in Harvest Moon 64 and is clearly unhappy with life in Flowerbud Village.

Who is Karen in Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town?

This article is about Karen, a character from Friends of Mineral Town. You may be looking for Karen in her other appearances throughout the series. Karen is an eligible bachelorette in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town . Karen is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha. Together, the family operates the local supermarket.

Who is Karen from story of seasons?

This article is about Karen, a character from Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. You may be looking for Karen in her other appearances throughout the series. “Jeff and Sasha’s daughter. Strong-willed and dependable like her mother, but can’t cook to save her life.”


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