Where is Luis Barragan from?

Where is Luis Barragan from?

Guadalajara, Mexico
Luis Barragán/Place of birth
Luis Barragán (1902-1988) was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. His professional training was in engineering, resulting in a degree at the age of twenty-three. His architectural skills were self-taught.

What style is Luis Barragan?

Modernist architecture
Barragán returned to Mexico, enlightened and intrigued by the idea of developing an innovative and personal style of Modernist architecture. Much of his renown came from his ability to mold his buildings into the Mexican landscape rather than awkwardly copying European models.

What was Luis Barragan inspiration?

Barragán felt deeply inspired by Bac’s relation to gardens and his views, quoting Bac’s words in his 1980 Pritzker Prize acceptance speech: “the soul of gardens shelters the greatest sum of serenity at man’s disposal.” Also, his use of colors build a strong contrast to the green trees and plants.

What does Barragan mean?

brave man
nickname for a strong or brave man, from Spanish barragán ‘young man’, ‘warrior’. metonymic occupational name for a maker or seller of fustian, a kind of material, Spanish barragán (from Arabic barrakân).

Who influenced Luis Barragan?

When Barragán returned to Guadalajara, he began to work with his brother Juan José and completed his first project in 1927. Four years later he again went to Europe, where he met Bac and Le Corbusier, both of whom were to have a profound influence on his work.

What are important characteristics of Mexican architecture?

One characteristic of the Mexican Baroque is its ornamentation. Most architectural facades are covered in countless reliefs or moldings of angels, saints, and decorative elements, many of which are gilded. While this is true of all Baroque architecture, the Mexican Baroque really takes it up a notch.

What is the most famous architecture in Mexico?

  • Luis Barragán House, Mexico City.
  • Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral, Mexico City.
  • Museo Soumaya, Mexico City.
  • Church of Santa Prisca de Taxco, Taxco.
  • Templo Mayor Museum, Mexico City.
  • Zona Arqueológica de Cholula, Puebla.
  • Museo Jumex, Mexico City.
  • Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City (from USD 26.35)

How did Luis Barragán become an architect?

He studied as an engineer in his home town, while undertaking the entirety of additional coursework to obtain the title of architect. Barragán won the Pritzker Prize, the highest award in architecture, in 1980, and his personal home, the Luis Barragán House and Studio, was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004.

Where did Luis Barragán live in Mexico?

Luis Barragán set up his studio in Mexico City, the building is currently a museum, but with tours available only by appointment. The building is from 1948 reflecting Barragán’s preferred style, where he lived his whole life. Today is owned by Jalisco and the Arquitectura Tapatía Luis Barragán Foundation.

Who is Luis Ramiro Barragán Morfín?

Luis Ramiro Barragán Morfín (March 9, 1902 – November 22, 1988) was a Mexican architect and engineer. He was born in Guadalajara and graduated as a civil engineer. His work, particularly his expressive use of bright colors, has influenced contemporary architects visually and conceptually.

What makes Casa Luis Barragán so special?

Casa Luis Barragán, built in 1948, represents one of the most internationally transcendent works of contemporary architecture, as acknowledged by the UNESCO when included in their 2004 World Heritage list.


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